ask 39

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Author: of anyone here likes Sweeney Todd; tonight I dreamt that him and Mrs. Lovett got married and that she was pregnant. Also judge Turpin was there and spit in Sweeney's food.

Lams4lifebruh: ok this is to Alex and Thomas how would you react if John didn't choose to be with you but with the other one?

Alexander: I'd fookin' kill Jefferson. John is mine, I'm only doing this so that he'll realize Jefferson is nothing to him. I'm the right choice.

Thomas glared at the federalist, but then sighed.

Thomas: in all honesty, I think I'd kill myself. At the moment, John and my daughter is my everything. I know Angeliza loves Hamilton a lot more than she loves me, so she'll be fine without me. If my dear lovely Laurens chose Alexander in front of me, he'd do it because he doesn't care about me. And who could blame him? I don't exactly have anything to offer! I only have myself to offer right now, and if I wasn't chosen, it'd be proof of that I'm not worth John. But even if I'd kill myself, I know that if my life was to flash before my eyes, I'd only see John. John is my life.

They were both quiet for a while.

Alexander: I'm... sorry about that. I didn't know. But the "I have nothing to offer" part is bullshit. You have lots of things to offer, even if it isn't "important"; love, compassion, honor and most of all, a life filled with happiness. Sure, I can offer him that as well, but if John chose you, it'd be for you. And Angeliza does not love me more than you, she loves us both just as much.

Thomas starts tearing up. A tear rolls down his cheek, but he is quick to wipe it away. He chuckles, only slightly audible.

Thomas: Thanks Hamilton.

Alexander: still hate you though.

Thomas: wouldn't have it any other way.

The two men hug, oblivious of that John stood behind a corner, tears in his eyes, and filming it all. To himself he whisper:

John: how the heck am I supposed to choose now?

Ask or dare John LaurensTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon