dare 46

579 15 11

LamsBaby: I dare the twins to scare their dads and mom

Angelica and Hercules walk up to the twins with little costumes; one clown and one spider. They dress the kids up and then leave. Angeliza crawls towards a door in her spider costume. Naomi follows because on the other side of the door, they can hear mama, daddy and papa's voices. The door is slightly open, so they crawl inside.

Alexander: I'm just saying, sometime soon we'll have to move out of here. The twins can't live with so many people at the same time. We don't spend time with them often enough to call us real parents!

John: I do. It's you two who are busy with other things.

Thomas: and I'm sorry for that pumpkin, but- HOLY FUDGING CRACKERS WHAT THE HOPE!!!!!!!

Jefferson yelled because he saw the Naomi clown for a split second and didn't see it was one of their children. Alexander screams a manly (actually very girly) scream when I sees a giant spider crawling around. John has a bad feeling, so he picks up the spider. He saw his little brown eyed daughter.

John: Angeliza! So the clown must be-

Alexander: -King George!

Thomas glared at him.

Thomas: or it's your flippin' daughter!

Alexander: right. I knew that.

Ask or dare John LaurensWhere stories live. Discover now