dare 54

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LamsBaby: Aaron, tease John for a day, no matter how angry he, Thomas or Alex gets.

Aaron: oh... uh, how should... wait, I think I get it.

Aaron looked around for Laurens with no luck. He checked the living room, but he wasn't there. He checked the kitchen, he wasn't there. He checked the attic, nope. He was nowhere to be found.

Aaron: where is he? I need to find him, otherwise I can't-

Thomas: can't what, Burr?

Alexander: yeah, can't do what Burr?

Thomas swung around to look at Alexander, kinda confused, and waved his arms in the air.

Thomas: and since when are you my thunder, Hamilton? Madison's always been my thunder, so stop!

Alexander: I wasn't trying to be your thunder!!

Aaron: I'm just gonna.. go look for Laurens..

Thomas: but why?

He looked back at Aaron.

Alexander: yeah, why?

Jefferson glared at the Caribbean man, making him flinch and back away from the Virginian.

Aaron: I'm just going to-

He suddenly had an idea of how to start the teasing, even if it wasn't towards the person he should be teasing.

Aaron: -confess my love to him.

The two politicians snapped their heads towards Burr, but he just left. He walked- no- he ran to Laurens room and locked the door. He sighed in relief when he heard footsteps sprint past the door.

John: Burr? Watcha doin' in my room?

Aaron tensed when he heard Laurens's voice. This was the only room he hadn't checked, of course John was there!

Aaron: oh. I, uh, I just wanted to say that someone like you might want to avoid trouble today.

John: uh.. "someone like you"? What..w hat do you mean?

Aaron: oh, I meant literally someone like you; gay but transgender, a mom but a dad and can't even choose who they're in love with. I mean seriously, what's your pronunciation??

Aaron was really bad at these things. His "teasing" just sounded like general questions, but they sure did make John think.

John: I... I don't know. I guess I never thought about it.... but from here on, please use they or them, please.

Burr was about to insult Laurens lightly about that as a tease, but he couldn't bring himself to it. He actually slightly helped John realize who he was. He couldn't be mean then!

Aaron: yeah, alright. I'll go tell the others about that, okay?

John nodded excitedly and went back to playing with his lonely turtle, Felix. It was the only one left.

Aaron exited the room and looked for Non-stop and Floofmaster. He was just about to check the basement when he heard a voice.

Thomas: how'd your lil confession go, A-a-ron?

Alexander: yeah, how'd your confession go-

Thomas: dude chill!!

Aaron: my confession went amazing; me and John made out in their room, and they told me to keep it a secret- WHOOPS!!

Both of their eyes widened. Thomas looked away and hamilton almost strangled Burr. Aaron screamed for Jefferson's help, but when he turned around, Jefferson were on the verge of tears.

Thomas: y-you're kidding, r-right..?!

Aaron: uh- no. And also, John wants to be called "they" and "them" now, just so you know.

John walked out of his room now.

John: hiya boys, what'cha doin'?

Thomas: w-why did you do i-it?!!

John: wha-?


John: ...you what...?

Ask or dare John LaurensOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora