ask 2&3

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LamsBaby: if you had to, who would you kiss? Jefferson or Lafayette?
LamsBaby: also, who has been nice to you?

John: well, the kissing thing..

John blushes, but continues.

John: it's kind of a hard choice. I mean, I kinda wanna kiss Jefferson, but he'd either kill me or Alex would kill him. Alex reeeeaaaaally hates Thomas.

Little did John know, that Alex didn't just hate Thomas, but hated seeing John being "romantic" with other people.

John: but I guess Laf wouldn't care if I kissed him.. still though, it'd awkward. Me and Laf have been good friends for so long...

John sighs.

John: the only logical choice here, is Thomas. I don't want to risk mine and Gilbert's friendship. Okay, I am never calling Laf by first name ever again!

John chuckles.

John: but obviously, Laf has been kinder too me. We've been friends for so long now, and Jefferson can't talk to me for a minute without adding "are you sure you're trans?" Or "okay, so you're a girl that likes guys but also wants to be a guy? Isn't that kinda gay?".

James: it's not his fault, he can't control what he says in front of you, freckles.

John: why?

James: reasons I promised not to tell.

John: okay, this conversation has no purpose. Anyway, keep asking and start daring me folks!

Ask or dare John LaurensTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon