dare 26

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AlinaPalmer: Alex you have to wear a cat onesie and the only thing you can say is "nya"

Alexander: nooooooooooooooooooo-

He walked to Lafayette, borrowing one of his many cat onesies. He brought it to his room and got changed into it.

Alexander: -oooooooooooooooooooo-

Hamilton (for no reason in particular) stole Angelica's eyeliner aced drew whiskers and a little cat nose in his face.

Alexander: -ooooooooo! I, uh, I mean: nyaa!

John, Angeliza, Naomi and Washington stood in the doorway. Or well, John and Washington stood there, Naomi avid Angeliza was being carried by moma John and grandpa-Wash. Thomas appeared out of no where and snapped a picture of Alex. He smirked devilishly.

Thomas: heh, blackmail.

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