dare 1

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Anonymous: I dare John to act sexual to all of the other guys just to make his boyfriend jealous (if he has a boyfriend)

Anonymous: I dare John to flirt with Thomas

John sighs.

John: no, I don't have a boyfriend, but I guess I have to do it anyway..

John thinks for a while.

John: okay, I'll do it to the first two guys that I meet, okay? Okay.

Burr walks in, making Laurens think "alright..here we go.."

Aaron: hey John, what are you.. uh..

Laurens stands only a few inches apart from Burr, making both of them blush. John moves a bit closer, licking his lips in a seductive way. Burr gulps.

John: how are you today.. Aaron..?~

Burr flinches at his Laurens said his name.

Aaron: i-i-I'm f-fine..

Laurens smirks and steps away.

John: that's good to hear!

He chirped as he walked away. He could hear Burr's sigh of relief. He was actually pretty much the only straight guy there.

As John walks out the door, he notice Thomas yelling at the mailbox. He thought it was odd, so he looked again, only to see Alex there. Of course. John snickered slightly, until he remembers the dare. "Oh boy.. I noticed Thomas before Alex, which means.. oh God."

"I'll have to act sexual towards Thomas while Alex is watching!"

John: isn't this just great..

John mutter under his breath. They decides to walk in a sexual way to Jefferson.

John: hey Jefferson!~

John got Thomas's attention. Thomas was clearly in shock. John Laurens was walking with swaying hips towards him, pretty much eye f*cking him. A blush grew on Thomas's cheeks, and it spread to Hamilton's as well.

Thomas: h-heya Laurens..

Alex feels like throwing up. No, the scene isn't disgusting, but Alex loves John. He's beeen in love with John for so long now, but John loves Jefferson. "That France loving rat.."

John: What are you up to?~

John strokes his finger down Thomas's chest, stopping where his ribcage ends.

Thomas: n-nothing..

Thomas, against his will, feels a very private body part harden. "F*ck.."

John smirked, just like he did at Aaron.

John: okay, see ya some other time!

And with that, John runs and locks himself inside his room, truly embarrassed.

John: k-keep asking and d-daring..!

Ask or dare John LaurensWhere stories live. Discover now