(impossible) theory!

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Aaron Burr was a psychic! Why?

Most of the things Burr say, does happen. Sure, he's pretty much the narrator in the musical, but look at "Aaron Burr, sir".

Aaron: fools who run their mouths of wind up dead.

Right after that, Laurens yells "what time is it?" He's the first one to say anything after Burr's little comment, and even though it's after both Lafayette and Hercules spoke/sang too;

Aaron: like I said..

If my theory somehow is correct, which I don't believe, Aaron knew about John's death!

Also, in "non-stop", he says multiple things that indicates Alexander's death. Sure, this might be so we'd all be sure that he'd kill Alex, but still. He knew how Alexander would die!

Aaron: why do you assume you're the smartest in the room? Soon that attitude may be your doom.

Aaron: every proclamation guarantees free ammunition for your enemies.

Even in "Wait for it" I see this!

Aaron: if there's a reason he seems to thrive when so few survived then God dammit I'm willing to wait for it!

What exactly is he willing to wait for? The right time to kill Hamilton.

I know this might just be Burr thinking back at it all, but think of it. Just think of it.

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