Dare 70

403 10 1

LamsBaby: I dare Hercules and Lafayette to just do cute couple-things

After Lafayette stopped talking gibberish, they watched Sleeping Beauty, but alone. They cuddled as they watched the movie.

Lafayette: sorry for yesterday, mon amour, it was a dare, so i-

Hercules: don't worry babe! I was just a little confused, that's all.

Laf kissed Hercules's cheek and giggled.

Lafayette: je t'aime, mon ange, mon amour~

Hercules: I love you too, my love, my darling~

Aaaaaaand they started making out.

Lafayette: je t'aime tellement, mais nous ne pouvons pas le faire ici! Ils vont-

Thomas: hey Laf, I was wondering if- JesUS FUCKIN' CHRIST WITH HIS AUNTS!!! NOT IN FRONT OF MY DAUGHTER!!!!

Laf and Herc were both confused, until they heard a little voice.

Angeliza: papa!

They froze and looked towards the tv, where -apparently - Angeliza sat and looked at the two.

Thomas: c'mere sweety, let's leave these two dirtbags alone.

He rolled his eyes and left with Angeliza.

Lafayette: merde.

Hercules: you can say that again.

je t'aime tellement, mais nous ne pouvons pas le faire ici! Ils vont-: i love you so much, but we can't do this here! They'll-

Ask or dare John LaurensWhere stories live. Discover now