dare 58

463 13 4

AlinaPalmer: Alex and Thomas eat a pancake without their hands and Hamilton you now have braces.-

Thomas stiffened a giggle when Hamilton smashed his face in the pancake. That is, until he realized they were sharing the same pancake. Alexander successfully ate half of the pancake, but some was stuck in his peach fuzz.

It was Thomas's turn now. He ate it without getting dirty at all. Hamilton growled at that, which exposed his new braces. Jefferson laughed like there was no tomorrow.

AlinaPalmer: -Stop laughing Jefferson, you now have a cat tail.

When that was said, Jefferson flinched and looked at his butt. Just like said, there was a cat tail just above it. He was about to leave a snarky comment about "not having nerdy braces" until he remembered he used to have braces.


AlinaPalmer: Thomas I dare you to get braces for a week.

~end of flashback~

Thomas: fuck.

Ask or dare John LaurensWhere stories live. Discover now