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2nd person's pov:-

"Sorry we had to call you in Mr.Leonardo" the old lady in the grey suit told me in her formal tone.

"Have a seat" she instructed, stretching her hand to the armchair beside her disk.

"We are satisfied with your performance, but I've made it clear that we don't usually accept students after a whole semester is over; yet, you had an exception"

"Yes, and I'm quite grateful" i told her, then politely nodded to confirm my words.

"Mr. Leonardo, your family matters to me, that's why i feel like reminding you that you are still under evaluation"

"I know"

"Then you must know you shouldn't be getting yourself in pointless arguments" the frown on her forehead became apparent as she said the words. She propped her chin over her locked hands making the unhappy creases way clearer.

"I'll keep that in mind" i told her with another nod.

"I know that it wasn't practically a fight; but, be careful" she said at last, ushering to the door.
I slowly got up, bowed a little, then made my way out.

"I'm sorry"
I turned my gaze up, to look at the redheaded girl from the student council.

"It's my fault that Jay got all fueled" the girl was fidgeting in-front of me, looking very skittish.

"It's okay" i assured her. And I did mean it. The girl helped me alot since I transferred here, moreover, she's the only decent person I met in these whole 2 months!

"I'm sorry for Liza's attitude too, ah, she's not exactly social" Mandy spoke, a blush coming to her cheeks.

"It's alright" i assured the panicking girl as i dodged the passer-bys on my way to the study hall.

So, bluntly put; I don't really hate it here, but, here obviously hates me!
Things keep getting harder!
I was the valedictorian back in Spain, but I have to pass some weird evaluation test here!
I try to find a seat for myself, but I end up having a fight with a weird delinquent and an unusually frail redhead!

Furthermore, the girl who is supposed to be this university's top student and ideal paragon, kept ignoring me whenever I tried to approach her.
And when an appropriate chance comes to me, it comes through a fight with me giving her my tensed back!

Yup, i'm chasing her like crazy, but It's not like I want to confess my undying love for her, though it surely looks like that! She probably thinks that the helpless foreigner, is stalking her.
As if I ever would!
The girl moves like a robot, sounds like a snake, and, feels like a ghost!
She's obviously a trouble magnet and I'm a pure white soul! Darkness doesn't go well with my glow, but definitely, she doesn't need to know. No one, needs to know!

As soon as we reached the large wooden door, I, and Mandy parted ways.
The girl named Liza was seated on a bench on the left side, her hair hiding her face with white threads descending from her ears. The girl always stuck to that bench with her headset on. I'd always notice her presence, but i never had the luxury of seeing her face since all my trials to talk to her were faced by a strong wall of two words, the 'excuse me' wall!

Martin, one of the guys i truly admire here asked once i reached the last row.

"Not bad, just a few warnings" i answered, slumping next to him.

"Don't worry about Jay, we beat him up for you" Martin told me with a grin.

"Thanks" i said, flashing one of my polite smiles at him.

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