The best ever!

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"Happy birthday Lizaaaaaaa"

Tac tac, splash

I blinked several times, foolishly trying to comprehend what's happening before my eyes.
I turned to Sith, who looked as drenched as I was.
Yeah, I must be dreaming!

"Happy birthday Poker face"
I heard Rozy's delusion say, before it launched itself on me, making me stumble backwards.
The delusion squeezed me way tightly for this to be a dream.
"Sith" I called out for the despicable Sith delusion, cursing my brain for picturing him this way.

Why was Sith so beautiful and attractive in my dream?
Why was I laughing like an idiot I never was?
Why does my dream feel, so real?

Sith only smirked at me, typical Sith.

I ushered him to come closer, and he did. I released my tied hands from delusional Rozy's embrace, and flung it backwards as strong as I could, then let it fly forwards, slapping Sith hardly in a thundering slap.

"Ouch" Sith cried out, glaring at me.

That was too realistic for a dream!

I felt my eyes get blurry with something.

"That was perfect poker face" Rozy praised as she pulled back from drenched me, giving me a better look at a flabbergasted Jay, Mart, and Zachary.

I felt the weird wetness on my cheeks as I fixed my eyes on a brightly smiling Jay, and a shocked Mart and Zack.

"Jay" I screamed out, charging toward the enticing Jay, hitting his muscular chest with all my might.

"This can't be real, this can't be real" I repeated through tears, unable to accept the jubilating delusion.

"Happy birthday my future wife" I heard Martin's voice as I felt a hand pat my shoulder.

"Happy late birthday" They all chorused once more.

Pulling back from Jay's embrace, I turned to Sith.
"Did you know?" I asked sniffling.

"Absolutely Yes, I was distracting you idiot" Sith said, grinning.
"I actually wanted to throw you in-front of a car, or feed you to the sharks, but then, I'm sure mom would make me follow you to the afterlife" He declaimed with a cute grimace.

"Happy birthday" he whispered at last, spreading his arms, and inviting me to his hands.

I remembered my warning to him a few hours ago, his halfhearted confession today, my personal space issues, but looking back at his twinkling eyes, did I care?


With my joints functioning on their own, I made a mad dash to his welcoming arms, letting the smell of rain hit my senses with everything they had. A soothing cold wetness, a mixed Sith, rain smell, and a comforting grasp.
No words can describe how much I liked it, how great it felt to be welcomed, cared for .. And loved!


I carefully let go of Sith, glancing behind my shoulders to see a smirking trio.
Mart, Jay and Rozy were all smirking at me, with Jay wolf whistling every now and then.
I begged my brain to hinder the developing red, and pass me a witty reply instead of a stupid blush, but all I got, was a blooming rosy pink, and a non-warming heat for my cheeks.

"Oh Gosh. She blushed! Liza blushed!" Rozy cried out amazed, pointing a fact that made my circulation gush harder.

"What happened out there?" Jay interrogated, getting curious.
There wasn't much to say, he must know that i was just too happy to hold back!
But I lost my voice, couldn't put that to words.

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