In package!

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Sith Leonardo:

Things took a 180 degrees turn.
The sun like smiles are becoming grave pained frowns.
The tic tocs for partying midnight are becoming a loathsome countdown for the beats of beloved hearts!

The headache is splitting my burdened head, but my feet are moving on their own!
I don't know which one should worry me more, the cardiomonitor attached to Jay's sprawled body and its taunting beeps, or the rushing feet toward Liza's room!
Rozy's heartbreaking cries, or Martin's grave expression.

I never thought i would ever feel this pain, i never thought I'd feel weak again, i never thought I'd ever trade every smile, to see someone's face!

It has been four hours since we got here, but no word was heard from either!

Jayson's beating is being monitored, i heard he had been taking power drinks that might react with his medications and cause cardiac abnormalities. And by the look on his mother's face, I'm reminded every now and then of how terrible the situation is.
Jasmine, Jay's sister never moved an inch! She is just embracing her mother in a forever stretched hug, while Rozy's tears never stopped, her chocked sobs raising every now and then with Mandy squeezing her for temporary assurance.

I straightened, separating my back from the wall, glancing at the corridor that leads to Liza's busy room.

"Jay woke up" Mandy cried out, and i felt my gaze shift toward her.
Mandy wore the same dress she wore for the exam this morning, same for Martin, Zack, and the breaking Rozy.

Jay's mother and sister rushed to his room at the word. Rozy jumped to her feet, having a wary expression on her face. Her puffy bloodshot eyes turned to me. She didn't speak, but i know she was begging for my support.
I stared back at her with determined eyes, telling her to stand strong.
If she was in pain, Jay is in a thousand watts more pain!
She has to be the pillar he leans on, and she's a strong  girl, i know she is.

Rozy looked back at Jay's room, then advanced forward.
We heard the door click, and she disappeared, shutting the door behind her.

I could no longer feel my legs, they were so weak, numb, and, not mine!
Nor this face! Nor these trembling hands!

I felt a pat on my shoulder. Slowly turning up, i saw Martin's eyes looking right into mine.

"She will be alright" he said in a raspy voice, running his hand through his already messy hair.
I didn't reply, i was too drained to reply!

I felt my phone buzz for the hundredth time in my pocket.

..Esta' bien? Ha despertado ella?..

I stared at mom's text hoping that some miracle would happen and change my shitty reply.

..Aun no..

I wrote my reply with numb fingers from clenching my fist all day long.
It's already 8pm and Laze hadn't woke up yet, causing my heart beats to quicken every time i saw the nurses and doctors rushing to her room.

"You can come in guys" Jay's older sister told us.
Jasmine was a great person, only if i met her at better occasions.
I saw her perfect figure walk toward me, her piercing light brown eyes penetrating my soul.
"Jay's first question was where is Liza, hasn't she woke up yet?" she asked me.
I shook my head.

"Gosh" she let out an exhausted sigh, pushing back several strands of her brown hair.

Ignoring her not-so-helpful attitude, i separated my back from the porcelain cold walls, inflating my lungs, and letting the disinfectant filled air to rush into them.

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