breaking out of the shell!

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And every time I think that it's over, there's no way there's more darkness engulfing this girl's past .. Turns out there is more!

Liza told me about her tragic loss for her sister.
Losing her father, her mother, her friend, In the worst way possible!

Rita died, and I can tell that she's the source of every good memory Liza is living with!
But having an unfatherly father who walks out on you!
An unmother like mother, who walks out on you not minding your pain, rather amputating all sources of pain for herself! , her kid included!
Losing a friend after all these people, and struggling through life alone!
That's the most unfortunate scenario, a 12 y old kid can go through!
But what pains me, Is that there's more!
The way Liza brushed off Jay's point that Thursday meant nothing but that there's another wound in her bleeding heart!
And she definitely won't let me know.

Only if!

"What are you doing" I asked the girl walking next to me. Her phone kept buzzing, and she'd type something every now & then.

"Uhhh" Liza sighed tiredly in reply not minding me.

I craned my head, peeking into her phone. "What are you doing?" I asked again prying answers.

"Writing replies obviously" Liza answered, without even looking up from her phone.

"To what?" I asked again.

"Congratulations" she briefly answered

"For what?" I asked her bewildered.

"Ugggh would you shut up please?" She snapped at me, sparing me a quick glare, and a rapid return of her gaze to the stupid device.

Swallowing my annoyance, I shut it up, and continued walking next to her.

Prof. Renad was obviously pleased by the fact she finally found a decent company to the intelligent outcast, though part of me believes that she just wanted to torment her poor nephew.
In any-case, she paired me with the black devil in the lab, and every other lab for disastrs to follow.

I really had no bad intentions. Angelique me was carrying the Alcohol to disinfect the table, and definitely didn't intend to spill the evaporating liquid all-over her!
Laze went on a fury right there, her hands flying in the air, her usually unheard voice hit the ceiling that the lamps reverberated; furthermore, she stank of alcohol from there on. All the washing and the perfumes she showered herself with, couldn't remove the smell.
She kept jabbing my side and stomping on my foot every time I scrunched my nose from the pungent smell she had. Thank God she finally calmed down now.

"Lizochy" I heard some masculine voice call out, and' Laze flinched with the voice.

"Damn it" she swore then sprinted away in a mad dash, leaving me behind.

"Laze!" I called out for the running girl. "What's up?" I asked as I chased after her, feeling the air swoosh as something fast passed by me.

"Oh no babe, you didn't guess right" Jay Said as he abruptly jumped in-front of Laze in a fraction of a second!

"Noooooooo" laze cried out before hitting Jay's wall, I mean, Jay's chest!

I bet it hurt with the velocity of her speed added to her weight, in addition to the hardness of Jay's chest!
I wonder if she'd come out alive!

Jay is definitely missing several screws!
Who does that to a girl?

"Man! That was bad!" Martin commented as he slipped his left arm over my shoulder.

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