Got it right..

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Sith Leonardo:

"Liza, you do know that I'm screwed if I fell, right?"

"Pretty much"

"You realize that I'm climbing a hospital's fence at 1am, thus I'm screwed if I get caught, right?"

"Clearly" she chirped, and i swear I could feel her grinning.

"Come again, why am I doing that?" I urged, tightening my grasp on the metallic bars to jump above them.

"I've some issues, I need to discuss with you" Laze reasoned.

"You know that '..come..' isn't the best synonym for 'let's chit chat' right?"

"Sith, you are becoming annoying" she said in an Annoyed tone. "Look, I won't badmouth you in your funeral, so, die assured and shut that mouth" her voice blared through the headset.

"I'm not dying you idiot, and lower your voice! This is a hospital. Now, where is your room?" I asked as I made my way across the front garden of the hospital.

"Head west, you will find a dead end with a white wall, the third window away from the wall is mine" she directed.
"Now, head or tail?" Laze asked, probably having a coin in her hand.
"Tail" I said tersely, calculating the distance to second floor.
"Laze" I called for the shuffling girl on the other end.
"Hmm?" Laze replied.
"How am I supposed to reach up there?" I asked.
"Figure away" she dismissed.
"Laze!, it is your problem you know!" I reminded her, exasperated.
She didn't reply, I only heard the sound of her hand slapping something.
"Head" she announced.
"To hell you and your head! I can be captured poker face! I'm in danger!" I yelled back.
"Aren't you an athletic? Jump!" Laze nonchalantly suggested.
"I'm an athletic,  not long legs!" I shot back, scanning the place to find something that can help me get up there.
I found a bench, a few steps away that can help.
I walked slowly, watching my back carefully.
Since it's 1 am! I had to carry the heavy bench instead of dragging it.
I put it , then grabbed the trash can beside the wall to stand on it.

Curse you Liza Jesse!

"I swear with my life Liza, if it wasn't something important,  I'm beating you to a pulp!" I threatened, a bit breathless,  trying to clutch the end of her room's window.
"What a gentleman!" Laze said mockingly,  probably rolling her eyes in process.
I heard the shuffling of the curtains,  before a hand was stretched out to help me up.

I swear to God I don't know how the hell I agreed to this nonsense!
It was probably a word that slipped through the fear and worry which haunted me when I saw her text.
Curse the idiot.
I called her, barely breathing for her to pick up the phone with a shinning 'Hola!'
I don't know what came over me, but I was already half way when I finally collected the remnants of my courage and called her, so i just obeyed.

"Now?" I asked her as soon as I stepped foot into the white room.
It was a different one from before, more spacious and luxurious.  It had a plasma screen, a comfortable couch, a comfy bed, and a small chair next to the bed.
Laze walked back to her bed, crossing her legs in the head end of the bed.

"Chess or cards?" She asked with a bright smile that didn't fit with the darkness outside.
"Laze I'm not kidding! Why did you summon me at 12 in the night?" My eyebrows were furrowed as I voiced all my anger & worry in that question.
"And, why the hell are you still here? What's going on?" I felt my voice raise several octaves with that.
"Shushhh, this is a hospital you know! + There is something" she informed me.
"Is it about why you are still hospitalized? " I asked in anticipation.
Laze waved her hand in careless denial "I'll be released tomorrow anyway, and, I'm anemic"
"Since when do medicals fret over anemia?" I shot back.
"Since they discovered that it's me!" She reasoned quirking an eyebrow,  but that didn't convince me.
"Mother is practically the owner of a series of canned food factories, she exports to several countries! " she tried to reason.
I didn't want to push on that. "I don't believe you, but you know you can tell me whenever.  After-all, you just summoned me for the most ridiculous reasons" I accused, dropping myself on the chair next to her bad.
"Chess or cards?" She asked again
"Chess" I answered, still unable to wipe off the scowl.
"I can't play chess!" She told me with wary eyes.
"Then why the hell did you suggest it?"
She only shrugged, putting the chess board in the table to her left.
"Why do you have a chess board if you can't play?"I asked her after I noticed the oddness of it.
"That's Martin's get-well gift" she answered as she kept putting a card in-front of her, and a card a little farther for me.
"What are we playing?" I asked as I got up to sit on the edge of her bed.
"Similar cards" she answered,  eyes on the cards.
"Seriously? " I retorted.
"I can't play anything else! There's too much math in all the games,  and I'm not a math person" was her shameless reply.
"Oh Yeah?" I fired at her, raising an eyebrow. " what do we have here?"
She looked up at me, then shrugged again. "I'm not a math person"she repeated.

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