The life game!

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Liza Jesse:-

How I hated mornings..
How I despised the sun..
How it feels to be a wreck!

Was all fresh & new.

Why does life have to rewind and go back to where I was?
I'm not welcomed in life, I got it! But why does i have to be smacked on the face every-time I seem to forget?

"I don't get you?" I whispered the words truly unable to fathom what's happening.

"Liza, your mother has decided" aunt.Marry deadpanned.
"I would have quit the job if I knew, but I ended up being kicked out with my head low" she muttered, her forehead creases more prominent.

"Aunt.Marry, I really don't know what Martha said to you, but, I really don't care! YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE ME LIKE THIS!"

"Liza, darling" she stepped forward, brushing my hair gently. "I'm sorry for my grandson's attitude,  I'm sorry for your mother's reaction .. but" she cut the sentence, giving me a serious look "I can't help it! Your mother fired me, and, I feel a little better remembering your new friends"

"Look, i can pay for your wage! The same amount mom gives you" i tried to reason with her, but she didn't seem to be okay with my suggestion.

"Darling, i don't think i can keep up with your mother's attitude, and anyway, i don't have long left of my life, so, I'd rather spend it with my daughter and grandson"

I didn't have a reply to that, so i just sucked it in.
Aunt.Marry gave me a last smile, before nodding at me, and giving me her back, walking out of my door, and life!

Watching her retreating figure, I craved for a scream, a call! Anything that might stop her advance .. But nothing came out!
Only then I hated it!
I hated my laid out personality! I hated the give-upper within me!
I hated how I always chock on tears seeing the backs of everyone I loved walking away, unable to stop them!

Words never come out!
Air gets primly vacuumed out of my lungs!
Thoughts go in a rampage in my mind, but not a single muscle twitch shows out!

Once again, i remembered, how bad it feels to be left behind, how painful loneliness is, how hard I've always wanted to die!

Even the half-assed drugs professor Sanada injected into my putrefying veins couldn't pull my filthy soul out of this flimsy body.

I sighed deeply, unable to put my incoherent thoughts to rest.

I pushed back my hair, took another deep breath, then trudged to the sofa in my living room.
I need a rest..


Sith Leonardo:

I don't know why exactly i am here, but, aunt.Marry came to my house in the morning telling me that Laze probably needs a friend!

she didn't give much details, aside from her sympathizing concerned smile.
I didn't question her any further. Giving up to her stubbornness, i just got ready, and walked here preparing myself for whatever might come!

I knocked on the door for what felt like an eternity, but Laze didn't reply!
I stepped back, searching for the pot beneath which aunt.Marry puts her copy of the keys, and i found it.
After calculating the cons & pros in my mind, i slipped the keys into the key-whole, and opened the wooden door.

"Heloooo" i called out as a notice that someone had just entered the house.
I wasn't looking forward to another round of Liza's wrath!

"Poker face. are you home?" i called out again, but nothing but utter silence greeted me.
I advanced deeper into the living room, looking at my watch to keep on track with the time. It was 9:33, and the exam starts in 10:00am exactly!
I let out a heavy sigh, feeling my pale yellow strands fall into my forehead tiredly.
As usual, i didn't get to study, and Liza's party pulled up till 1am!
Those stupid pigs stayed at my house playing a game after another, making a bet after another, i swear Laze and Simon looked like angels in-front of them.

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