Upside down!

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"How was the test?" Laze asked as she walked next to me.

It was an unspoken deal; we would always hand our exam papers, and exit the exams hall at the same time. I would take her home, and she would take dinner with us; me & mom.

Mom refused to let her go since the day she fainted at the park 3weeks ago. And may I say I'm not happy with that!

1-this means I'll have to live with Liza's character for longer periods of time!
2- She's watching me for longer periods everyday!
And Lord! .. the things she had figured about me!
I just pray she's good enough to keep them to herself.

She discovered my night pie , and I tell you , she didn't hold back at all!
She never stopped saying hints about nights & apple all day long, both at home, and out!
She found out, about my sponge Bob shirt!
And I could swear, that girl sneaked into my room! And that's the worst point, how come she sneaked into my room without mom noticing that!

3-She's becoming close with my mom.
She even treats her better than how she treats me!
Heck!, yesterday they didn't wake me up for supper!
She even let her take my share of the night pie!

And that's how, someone's life is destroyed!
That's what you call deprivation! , that's what they call betrayal!
This is; the upside down!

"Not bad" I answered with a shrug.

"We should magnify our efforts for tomorrow's test" Laze suggested.

"Oh yeah?" I replied with a humorless laugh. "Magnify? , Is trying to study considered a magnification for you?" I asked satirically with a sinister smile.
I couldn't study for a full hour thanks to her & mom!
They never stopped chatting!
It was even worse before Simon went back to Spain.
They kept watching a movie after another!
They ate popcorn bowls like some fat fond obese creatures!

It was Hell!

"No, it's alright,"I answered, shaking my head.

"But, tomorrow's practical is the anatomy! .. remember?" Laze explained, craning her head a little forward.

"I'm not an idiot!, I know " I answered harshly.
That was already the last practical!, how come I don't know!

"I'm thinking of taking you to the sports club" I told her.

"Why?" She asked intrigued.

"I feel bad for your muscles hh, they scream out lack of fitness! " I teased playfully.

"Oh really?" she scoffed with distaste. "How caring of you! " she said mocking me.

"Clear the waaaaaay"
We both heard a bolting scream echo across the halls!
I reflexively turned around to check on what's happening.

"That monster is trying to kill meeee"
Martin screamed as he ran across the hall toward us. His eyes popping out, his feet hovering like a wheel as he flung his arms like crazy!
Mart is an idiot!

"Save me saint Liza!" Mart pleaded, then hurriedly grabbed Laze's arm.

"I'll stand over your dead body!"
We heard another  scream echo across the hall.

What's up with these people today!

"Hold the jerk for me!, I'll dissect him!" Jay shouted out, madly running toward us.

What the hell is happening!

I smiled amused by the scene played currently. 
I turned to laze who had Mart hiding behind her with his large body.
And it looked even ridiculous than the way he had Jay chasing him!.. he looked like a wrestler using a kid as a shield!

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