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It's been two weeks since Martha left back to France, exactly the day after my outburst.
I woke up late that day, probably due to the headache, and the fact that my eyes couldn't open up from crying all night.
I don't know why the hell did I cry that much! I've been dealing with Martha's obnoxious personality all my life, yet I couldn't take that in!

She was the first thing I saw in the morning, sitting in the living room with Sophia "her Secretary" and another man.
They were definitely comfortable in my house!

I ignored their presence and stepped into the kitchen.

Sophia was familiar with our heated relationship, but I'm sure the man was weirded out!
But neither I .. Nor she cared.

Martha didn't talk to me after that, she wasn't eager to figure out what was wrong with me.
All she said to me was: "I don't want some innominate using my daughter, I'm hiring some guards to watch over you from afar"

I didn't respond to that. I didn't listen either. Martha takes herself as an authority over all humanity "Me" included. .. so I just let her do whatever suits her.
It's not like I expected her to have a sudden 180 degree personality change or some sort of pr-edeath enlightenment , I wasn't waiting for some motherly attitude after I've literally struggled and lived my whole life alone.
Even if she did, I'm not buying it.

And that, is why I was happy seeing her silhouette leave my front porch that evening.

I can't fake feelings!

As much as my inability in hiding my current discomfort.

This is my first exam in 2nd year finals, and guess who is seated next to me?

Arrogant, definat, and blond!

Sith sat to my left distracting me with every move and shuffle he made.
I've been glancing at him every now and then, but he never looked up from his exam paper. Not even once!
I believe he's either too engrossed in it, or it's that he's full aware that I'm to his right, and thus, he's ignoring me purposefully.
After-all, that was my request. More like my demand!

Sith never approached me in these whole 2 weeks, he even avoided eye contact.

I avoided him as much as he did, in fact, he didn't even cross my mind that much.

Okay.. I lied.

I saw him several times in the cafeteria, at the entrance.
My stupid brain even flashed his goofy smile when he used to jump into my way every morning ,, and, I sort of .. Missed it.

I was the one who told him to "go away" "leave"
I'm the one who made him feel unwanted, when he had just let me into his house!

I'm sure Sith doesn't take things the way I'm currently taking it through, but .. I know that Sith is Fed up with me.
He wants nothing to do with me.
He even finds it too much looking back at me when I'm sure he noticed how frequent I've been looking his way.

And I can't blame him for that.

Sith was currently resting over his paper. I'm assuming he just finished solving the pharmacology cases.

He's a bit slow. I finished mine in the first hour, and that's obviously why I had time to reminisce Sith related memories, and my very short time with him.
Well, 3 months are short for a normal human, but for me .. That was the longest time span I've ever reached!

Sith got up from his resting position, and started flipping through the papers, probably checking if everything is solved. He was rubbing his forehead, add to the list; he rubs his forehead when, Nervous, Confused, and Thinking.

I know it looks like I spent my time just watching him, but it's not like I'm generous enough to give up my spot as the top student just to ponder on what's Sith doing!

He's not a priority!
well .. He definitely is! There's no way denying it after all this! , but he's not my first priority!
I've wrapped that one, and I'm certain I'm getting a 94 in the worst case.

I turned back to my paper, finally intending to leave the exam theater, and I assure you.
I'm not looking back!
Not Sith, not anyone else will make me turn back.

I stood up carefully, not wanting to disturb the other student who haven't finished yet.
I took the single pen I brought with me, and grabbed my exam sheet.
I walked to the podium, calmly placing it on its surface.
Several sheets were already there indicating that i wasn't the first to leave.

I signed my leave on the attendance sheet, then fast paced into the hallway.

Upon reaching the entrance, I let out a sigh of relief, grateful that I made it out without looking back.

I can't take another 2 weeks of torture, sitting next to Sith through the whole exams period. But I knew better than to complain.
I'm never asking for a seat change. I'm actually hoping he would!

I never associated with teachers, I've always been formal with everyone; be it students, or staff, and I'm not changing that now for such pathetic reasons.

I heard a very familiar voice call out.

I felt a shiver run through my whole body the second I heard his gentle voice.
My breath hitched. My gorge constricted. .. I felt my feet melt!
Was it shock?
Was it fear?
I don't know!
I just found myself launching through the entrance and out the university ground.

Yeah .. I was running!
Why? When? Where to? .. I don't know!
I just pathetically ran away.

"Wait .. Liz"

I heard Sith call again, but I didn't look back.

There's no way I'm resigning to his temptation.

I never cared, I never should. ... I never will!

I'm never looking back!

My feet kept carelessly sprinting across the street with Sith's heavy steps echoing behind me.

I really had no clue why I took off like a deer running from a lion for its life, but i had a feeling i might lose!

I can't lose! I can't let him catch me, I can't let him talk to me, I can't face him, I can't see his eyes.

His eyes are dangerous!

Within a fraction of a second, with a line separating a dream and reality, with a breath inhaled, but never exhaled, I heard a tire screech loudly, then the sound of a car hitting something.

In a split second, Sith's voice was just nowhere to be heard!

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