Just leave!

9 1 0

Liza Jesse :-

A very familiar voice called out.

I felt a shiver run through my whole body the second I heard his gentle voice.
My breath hitched. My gorge constricted. .. I felt my feet melt!
Was it shock?
Was it fear?
I don't know!
I just found myself launching through the entrance and out the university ground.

Yeah .. I was running!
Why? When? Where to? .. I don't know!
I just pathetically ran away.

"Wait .. Liz"

I heard Sith call again, but I didn't look back.

There's no way I'm resigning to his temptation.

I never cared, I never should. ... I never will!

My feet kept carelessly sprinting across the street with Sith's heavy steps echoing behind me.

I really had no clue why I took off like a deer running from a lion for its life, but i had a feeling i might lose!

I can't lose! I can't let him catch me, I can't let him talk to me, I can't face him, I can't see his eyes.

His eyes are dangerous!

Within a fraction of a second, with a line separating a dream and reality, with a breath inhaled, but never exhaled, I heard a tire screech loudly, then the sound of a car hitting something.

In a split second, Sith's voice was just nowhere to be heard!


I reflexively turned around as fast as a human can.
I ran faster than a lightning in a stormy night!
My mind was racing. But I saw nothing since the moment the car tires screeched!
I heard nothing but the ringing in my ears!
I couldn't decipher anything, but I didn't care even if it was a dream!

I felt blood rush through my whole body that it felt like it would just burst out my ears! eyes!, throat!, and every single inch of my stale skin!

My feet halted to a stop as soon as I reached the car.
I looked around the car, glancing all over the place. My eyes were going back and forth between the blood filled car front and the drivers worried face.
My breathing more ragged than the wildest tempests of the ocean magnified by a deathly storm.
It is my fault!
Once again!
I killed a soul!


I spoke out feeling my throat parched.
My voice was weak and clipped.
My words weren't a question, it wasn't a call either!
It was just nothing! , it lead to nowhere!

Sith was nowhere to be found!

I was just hearing his voice, but now it's nowhere to be heard!

I tried to steady my hitched breathing! .. I narrowed my spinning eyes to look at the sprawled body on the ground! .. but I couldn't!
My brain! My senses!..Nothing was working!
Nothing could be registered!
Nothing was functioning at all!
Everything was black, it was all dimmed!

Where has he gone?

He can't leave yet!

He shouldn't!

"Yes, in-front of Sovereign university. Hurry up please"
Another worried voice rose into the heavy silence, pulling me back from the abyss.

"I'll do first aid till the ambulance arrive"

My eyes darted to the voice owner, Staring intently at his features, taking in every part my senses could grasp.
I stared at the blond with the silver glow not fathoming what was real, and what was not.
I felt like a lost kid finally finding his mother!
My body was still numb, but my eyes were etching with something!

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