Dead meat!

19 2 0

Liza Jesse :-

Sith left 4 days ago to Spain, he's supposed to come tonight at 8pm. We would arrive at 6:30pm. He didn't tell any of us why he's going back to his home country, but i knew it had something to do with his father's case. He didn't tell me either, but mom is worse than an assassin at following her preys. The day aunt.Marry got fired, she called to tell me that i should stay away from Sith, and that he's nothing but trouble.
She didn't give me much information, but i knew that Sith's father had been accused of embezzlement and money washing, and as far as i knew, all the evidence is against him.

Sith didn't tell me much about his father, he just said that his death was shady, and from my own observation, i think he is innocent. I don't think the husband of a great woman like Tania, and the father of Sith can have anything to do with evil!

"I'm never sitting next to this fun pooper" Jasmine grumbled, as we dragged our bags into the house we rented.

"Be grateful you didn't have to sit next to a kid with flu" Jay shuddered with the words. "The kid next to me never stopped coughing and sneezing! I swear i was going to jump out the window!" He narrated painfully, only to receive a gloating non-sympathetic group laughter.

"Your dad is something" Mart told Nathan, an amazed look on his face.

The house was nice and authentic. It was a two story house, but we were only allowed to use the ground floor. It also had a small water fountain in it's front yard. The yard was another story, it had a path in the middle of an outstretched garden.
I can tell that the man is filthy rich judging by how big the house was, it felt like an eternity walking from the giant gates to the house's front door.

"Not like yours" Nathan replied arrogantly. Mart only rolled his eyes back. "My father is a lawyer, remember? Lawyers aren't supposed to be rich i think" he simply answered.

"Why is he here again?" Jay piped in, asking Martin, obviously annoyed by Nathan's attitude.
Jay was roughly dragging his bag on the grass, vigorously plucking it with the small wheels of his bag.
I starred at the flying grass as he revved his engine, i mean dragged his bag stronger and paced faster, purposefully destroying the innocent garden.
But i liked it! .. Evil, remember?

"He reserved the house; and, he's paying for my stay, he's more important than you" Mart scoffed at Jay.

Rozy yawned loudly, causing everyone to burst in another episode of pointless laughter. Well, of course me excluded.

They are exaggerately happy!

"We need to rest" Zack announced the momemt we reached the front door. I bet he actually wanted to say I''ll send whoever interrupts my rest to the bloody hell. But he was trying to be civilized.

The house was considerably big, it had a very big hall, rimmed by several doors. two to the left, and two to the right. And an intersection that lodged a very big plasma screen and a seat set in-front of it. A small path laid left to the intersection, that lead to the kitchen.

We were allowed to rent the house for a week cause the owner was a friend of Nathan's father.
We still haven't decided on how long we'll stay in France, but we're departing once we're done here.

"Amazing!" Nataly commented, awe struck.
Rozy, Mandy, and I, weren't that impressed.
The house had a nice design, but I've seen better.

Mart threw his bag on the floor with a thud.

"Video games?" he suggested, grinning from ear to ear.

"Yeeesss, Wooooh" Jasmine shouted out, doing some weird cheerful dance. Zack smirked, then silently moved to where the screen laid, preserving a seat directly in-front of it.

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