|70| Vacation

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     And with that... he kept his idea.

   We are headed out on a mini vacation on the islands. It's only for the weekend but I do believe it will make us bond more. It's been a rough time in California so far... but hopefully soon it will get better.

    "Get back here!" Prince laughs behind me while he chases me around on the beach.
   "No!" I screamed back, until I stepped on a big shell, falling to the floor. I groaned and grabbed onto my foot until he came over to me.
   "Awh what's wrong, did baby fall down?" He teased. I stuck my tongue out at him, quickly trying to grab onto his shorts...but was to slow.
   "Nah you're too slow!" He giggled and helps me up. I run my hands down his arms looking at him, smiling. He leans in quickly for a soft peck on my lips. I lean in for a embrace.

"You gonna lotion me up baby or what?" I teased sitting up in the lounge chair.
   "Uhh not until you do me." He says, coming out of our little beach hut. I bit my lip motioning him to sit down on the lounge chair next to me. He laid  down on his stomach and I climbed across to sit on top of him. He rested his head on his hands while I squeezed the sunscreen out of its container. I place the cold lotion on his warm back. He jolts forward and I giggle.
   "That's cold, but feels great." He groans as I rub it in. I admire his figure for a few seconds until he turns over under me; where I ran my hands up his chest, following my eyes with my hands until I look into his eyes. He smiles and closes his eyes.
   "I like how we're kinda secluded from other people.." I whispered, running my hands up his toned arms.
   "Really needed this time with you.." he smiles at me sitting up."Your turn." He turns and I move, sitting between his legs.

He untied my bikini top, feeling it fall. I acted like nothing happened as he continued to rub in the lotion. The aroma smelled of fresh ocean water and sunscreen, and of course, his cologne. He laid me down more onto him, lotioning my torso, above my breasts, slowly. I leaned back closing my eyes, enjoying his every rub. The phone rang loudly from the other room, starling me.
   "It's just the phone... did you give anyone the number here?" He asks, and I quickly jump up, running to the phone.

   "Hello?" I frantically answer the phone. My mother asked for the number, just incase of emergencies.
"Aurora? It's your mother... I didn't want to bother your time with Prince, but it's an emergency." She sighs into the phone.
"What, tell me?" I lean against the counter top, under where the phone hands on the wall.
"It's your father, he's not doing so well..." I hear her voice crack slightly, before she clears it.
"Excuse me. You need to come see him befo-" I sighed cutting her off.
"I don't think I can..." I whispered to her, not feeling any emotion.
"Aurora..." her tone turns into that 'disappointed' mother.
"It's not that I don't want to; I can't. I barely could've done this trip without the school loading me with piles of homework... and on top of that; Prince needs me, I think...." I started to bite the inside of my mouth, having my mind begin to race.
"I advice you see him soon, before Christmas." She demands, hanging up the phone.

I feel the tears fill up in my eyes, until I hear his voice behind me.
"Aurora?" Prince slightly places his hand on my shoulder. I quickly sniff back the tears, turning around, smiling at him.
"Hey baby!" I pulled him closer for a hug. Feeling myself in his warm, tight embrace; made me feel like puddy in his arms.
"Is everything alright?" He pulls away, looking into my eyes. I try to hide it, biting my lip and smiling back at him, nodding yes. He gives me a 'yeah right' kinda look.
"You wanna take a bath? I'll go get it ready..." his hands dig deeper into my sides, waiting for a reply. I nod my head 'yes' while he leans in, kissing me on the cheek.

I watch him walk away, into the bathroom, while I slowly creep around the kitchen counter, over to the wine. I hear him turn on the bath, quickly and trying to quietly open the bottle of wine. I turn around, pouring it into the glass before taking a sip of the sweet bitterness. My mouth waters for the sensation it brings to me.

"Didn't know you had to be drunk to be with me." Princes voice speaks from behind me. I sigh, taking a sip.
"It's not that..." I whisper against the glass. I hear him move closer to me, as his arms wrap around me, speaking into my ear deeply.
"You gonna tell me what's wrong or what?" He pushes the glass down, having me sit it on the counter. I take a deep breathe in, holding back my tears.
"Prince, I-" he cuts me off
"You just need to relax mama. You can tell me later, alright?" I let out a sigh of relief as he softly begins to kisses up and down my neck. He presses me closer to him, as one of his hands wraps around my torso and the other one down my stomach. I melt within his touch while he slides his hand down my bikini bottoms, softly rubbing my clit. I moan, gripping onto the counter for support. My wetness comes on his hand. He whines against my skin before quickly turning me around.

    I look down quickly, seeing he is only wearing a towel while his member peeks threw it. I bit my lip looking back up at his hungry eyes. He quickly sits me on the counter while we kiss madly. My hand runs down his chest, undoing his towel, feeling it drop down to the floor.. and so did he. He kneels in front of my heat as he quickly removes my bottoms. Smiling up at me, before he kisses up my inner thighs, lapping over my clit. I moan from the sensation, resting my legs on his shoulders. Soon after I feel his tongue gliding up and down my wetness, causing it to swell up with numbness pleasure. I moan loudly, gripping onto the sides of the counter. He pulls back panting against my thighs, catching his breathe.

   "You're so good to me baby;" I whispered through my pants. I reach over grabbing inside my purse while he kisses up and down my legs.

   "Whatcha got there?" He asks in a teasingly tone, pulling down my hand. I giggled as the condom slipped from my fingers, down onto the floor.
    "Ooo," he picks it up, standing up back in front of me dangling it in front of my face. I take it out of his hands, unwrapping the wrapper while he strokes my heat. I moan, slapping his hand away, looking at him with a devilish grin in his face. I gently grab onto his heavy cock, stroking softly. Watching his face scrunch up in satisfaction.

    "You like that?" I whined pumping him faster, making him moan. I giggled stopping, to roll on the condom. He positions me before he teases my entrance, gliding his hard tip around. Pulling him closer to me, he slowly enters his member inside my tightness, causing both of us to release moans. I grip tightly onto him when he begins to thrust. He picks up his speed, causing the cabinets behind my head to slap. Our heads come closer together causing us to kiss sloppily in between our pants. His hands trailed up and down my body, gripping onto my hips while my legs gripped tighter around him, causing his member to love deeper into me. I feel the tight sensation causing me to moan.
   "I'm going to-" I moaned loud as I came onto him.. I panted, wanting to satisfy him as he continued until he came...

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