|46| Thanksgiving

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    Today is a national holiday to celebrate the Englishman becoming good friends with the Native Americans, having a beautiful feast, and then brutally slaughtering each and every one of them and their children. After that Englishmen took over the Native's land and claimed it as their own, as a peace treaty. Today's society has sugar coated the situation into us believing we signed a peace treaty with Natives and had a beautiful feast. It's  very common for people who's disappointed or find it very vulgar of what their ancestors have done that most of the time they re-write History is whatever they'd like it to be. They've done this plenty of times with many holidays and scandalous stories. Still to this very day they continue to do this sugar coating in our society to simply brain wash us in seeing the world as "Good", "Peaceful." When in reality, ying and yang. Where there is good, there is evil. It's how the world turns and how humans sleep at night.

   My mother went to a Indian reservation with her co-workers/friends to learn more about their culture. I'd happily invited myself but I knew Prince wanted me to meet his "adopted" family. I've learned throughout my few years of life, family is not just blood but whom the people you surrounding yourself with, the people who are there for you and you're there for them. They're there for a shoulder to try on or a achy stomach from laughing all night. For the tears in your eyes but all is alright when there they're, simply just for you..

Today I dressed up in a beautiful warm sweater dress. I understand the social reasonings behind the holiday and respect the family coming together for a feast. It's a beautiful aspect to take a view from... I watch Prince pull up. I walk outside in the crisp cold winter breeze wraps around my skin. I shivered and ran up and inside the warm car. I let out a happy sigh as the warm overcomes my icy skin. Prince's strong cologne soothes my nose as a breathe in.
   "You look beautiful, per usual." He smiles at me before taking off. I smiled at him as I take a peak of his formal attire.
   "You look sexy." I spoke in a sexy tone as it rolled off my tongue. I giggled automatically after I spoke. He shakes his head smiling.
   "Have you talked to your mom? How is she doing." He asks as I prop my head up with my hand against the window.
   "Yes, I talked to her before she left. I told her to bring back many memorabilia." I replied. As the car became quiet I felt my eyelids become heavy as I slowly fell asleep.

   Next thing I know I hear someone knocking on the window where I have my head resting. I sit up and hear the door open as I open my eyes seeing it's Prince.
   "We're here." He says holding out his hand. I grab it smiling at him as I stood up out of the car.

   Upon entering the warm house filled with delicious smelling aroma of freshly baked and baking food; the house is almost packed with people as well as loud full of people talking and cracking jokes. Prince smiled at me and grabbed onto my hand introducing me to almost everyone there. I was talking to Andrés mother and Aunts, until it came to a pause, I realized Prince wasn't around so I decided to go look for him after excusing myself.

I start to hear the piano play as I smiled walking into the living room, where Prince is playing the piano and two little kids are standing next to him watching. I lean on the side of the doorway smiling as I watch him interact with the children. He acted so lovely with them I kinda wish we would have some at that moment. Next thing I know the kids run passed me giggling and laughing. I giggled as I watch them enter the other room. Turning around, I see Prince facing me on the piano bench moving his finger for me to come closer to him. I giggled and walked up to him as he turns around, moving over on the bench for me to sit next to him. I sit down as he begins to play the piano again. I watch him until he stops.
"Your turn.." he whispers as he waves me to play. I shake my head no.
"I don't know how!" I said frantically. He laughs and shows me two simple keys, which I played amazingly as he did his part in the song.

"Dinner is ready!" We hear as, everybody's heads poked up from what they were doing and pointed at the kitchen. Everyone got up, including us to gather around the long table. There were two, one for adults and one for kids. We all sat down in however order that make some sense.

Everybody sat around and someone said a prayer before we ate. After eating everyone was reminiscing about old times and cracking jokes while Prince and a few other people our age, including André escaped the dinner table. I followed them downstairs where they started to pluck their instruments.
"Aurora, can you shut the door please?" André asks sweetly. I nod as I climb up the stairs from where I was sitting, to shut the door. They begin to play as I sit down on the stairs, in front of them watching. I looked around the room noticing they sound proofed it, can tell by the foam. I listened as I rested my head on my hands, elbows on my knees smiling.

   By the time they were over, everyone upstairs went home. André's mother decided to come downstairs and watch them with me. They clean everything up as she announces coming in from the laundry room, carrying a pile of blankets.
   "None of you are going home tonight, big snow storm. Terry told me he barely made it home." She sits to blankets down on the couch.
   "The one upstairs pulls out too, Prince you can sleep in your old room.." she waves for the rest to come upstairs after giving him that "motherly" evil eye look. Everyone else's followed until it was Prince and I left alone in the basement...

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