|69| Love Is Forever

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It's the beginning of October of 1977. The fall here is a nice Minnesota summer to us. Prince was keeping distance from me ever since the modeling incident. I feel terrible but there is nothing I can do about it.

   "Alright I'm going to head to the studio... you need anything before I go mama?" He speaks throwing his bag over his shoulder.
   "Maybe a kiss?" I asked walking over to him. He quickly pulls me in for a passionate kiss. I gripped onto his shirt while we part from the kiss, looking into each other's eyes.
   "You really gotta go?" I whined and he looked away.
   "Yeah, but it'll pay off soon I promise." He hugs me tight before walking out the door.

   I did the per usual Saturday cleaning while wildly dancing around the house to the hits. I enjoyed my time alone but I think it's about time Prince and I had time together, soon. I miss him, I miss his long kisses, touches and most of all our conversations. I didn't release how lonely I'd be, but I trust in him things will change soon, for the best of it.

   The night rolls in quicker than I imagined. With a few cups of whine and slow romantic music I was really feeling the intimacy in the room. I decided to open up my luggage, looking and seeing if I packed any toys before going into the bedroom...

   I turned on the vibrator slowly rubbing it against my clit. I let out soft moans as my arousal grew stronger feeling myself drip down my hand.
   "Fuck." I moaned quietly, slowly moving it inside my tight walls. I pulled it out quickly when I felt tears roll down my cheek. I whipped it away quickly, sitting down the vibrator  on the night stand, turning it off. I decided to take a cold shower instead...

   When I got out the clock read 9:00pm... I sighed and walked over to the note on the refrigerator, the address to his studio. Maybe it was time for me to see what he's up too there..

   When I arrived you can tell it was still opened. The parking lot had a fair amount of cars, telling me he wasn't alone inside. I walked in a noticed there were many recording studios inside, maybe around 4. I entered the building and saw a receptionist.
   "Is there somewhere I could direct you?" She asks while clicking away on her typewriter.
   "Uhm, yeah I'm here to see Prince." I smiled sweetly at her. She looks me up and down before leaning over the desk, looking at a paper.
   "Studio A, down the hall, left and then right." She said.

   I smiled at her and nodding before following her directions. I walk down the hallway to the studio, seeing Prince leaded against the doorway talking to a lady. His eyes quickly glanced up at me and smiled.
    "Hey baby what are you doing here?" He asked walking up to me, pulling me into his arms for a embrace. I hugged him back and looked over at this girl.
   "Patrice, this is Aurora, my girlfriend." He steps aside and I step up shaking his hand.
   "Nice to meet you." We both said. I smiled and pulled back my hand, to hold Prince's.
   "Hopefully those tracks should help you succeed the layers you're looking for." She nods at him and he nods back.
   "It was nice meeting you Aurora!" She says walking away.

   "Whatcha doin' here mama?" He asked pulling me closer by my waist. I looked into his eyes and smiled.
  "I thought I'd visit you... what are you working on?" I asked, playing with his hands. He smacks his lips and rolls his eyes.
  "I guess I can show you." He teased as he turned and lead me into the room. He shuts the door behind us and directs me to sit on the brown leather couch. He sits in the editing chair in front of me looking around at the buttons.
   "Hmm, let's see here..." he whispers.
  "Oh you remember that song I gave you for Christmas. It's done, well, as of now... wanna here it?" He glances back at me. I bit my lip smiling, nodding my head yes.
   "Alright." He turns the chair and presses play. The room filled with his beautiful melodies. I close my eyes enjoying his song.

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