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Two Months have passed, it's now the beginning of September. Prince's songs he has previously recorded, are almost finished, and on top of that he feels as if he needs more songs for the album. He said Warner Bros. and his manager agrees there has to be atleast 9 songs, and making it at least a half of an hour long. Rules and compliance is always key in the industry. You want to share your work and they're willing, but under their contact.

   One of many things I realized in California is once it hits dark, you better have a warm enough jacket or in bed. The temperatures drop drastically throughout the day. Sometimes the weather here reminds me of France, the warmness for sure.

   Today was my first day of school. Prince and I agree that I should sleep off campus to save money, so that was a less of a problem for me. The only thing different was the uniforms and the building of the school... other than that I was happy to get back in the groove of things...

   I knew I'd have to get a job soon, but wanted to wait a week in school first, to see if I could get any connections from anyone present. Prince persisted I didn't need to get one, but I also wanted to contribute something other than cleaning and a few other things. ;-)

    "Hi my name is Gloria! Are you new here? I've never seen you before." She comes up to me and shakes my hand. She comes off a bit preppy, but it's better than nobody speaking to me.
   "Hello, my name is Aurora. Nice to meet you Gloria, and yes I am new." I shook her hand and exchanged smiles.
   "You're absolutely beautiful! Are you in a sorority yet? If not I'd welcome you to the Kappa Kappa Gamma!" She hands me a oddly pink printed card with elegant handwriting on it. I look at her and down at it, which reads a address, time and date on it.
   "I'm awfully flattered, but I don't think-" she cuts me off.
   "We will see you then, have a nice day Aurora." She glances a bitchy face at me before a smiles walking away.
   "Okay..." I whispered to myself as I continued the day.

I came home, our temporary one to it ring empty. This was a usual deal because Prince was busy at the studio. Sometimes I think he might over do it. But I understand that's the main reason why we are here.

I did the usual, cook dinner then study some more. I decided to grab a few jobs list from the bulletin board, located in the main office. I flipped threw them until something caught my eye. Which read:
"Looking for a model, will pay half of proceeds once photos are sold."
"Sounds like a great opportunity, especially what Stacy said to me kinda clicked as I was reading it. I got up and walked over to the phone near the couch. As soon as I picked up the phone, Prince walks in, earlier than usual.

"Hey!" I said putting down the phone. He waves at me and walks into the kitchen.
"I made French Onion soup, if you want some..." I said as I slid the paper into the phone book.
"Ooo, thank you baby. It smells delicious." Prince replies from the kitchen. I watch him sit down his bowl of soup on the kitchen table as he sat down on the chair, scooting closer.

I got up walking over to him, pulling out a chair in front of where he is sitting. I watch him eat his soup. He looks at me.
"This is really good, thank you." I smile back nodding my head.
"So how was your day?" I asked and he automatically let out a annoyed groan.
"Absolute bullshit. You know I usually come home around 12am? Well not today, I had to get the fuck out of there." He continues to eat.
"Do you want to tell me what happened?" I asked him, resting my head on my hands, watching him.
"It was just, it doesn't make any sense. They don't understand I want to do it all. They keep trying to shove other musicians down my throat, but I told them I want to do it alone." He shakes his head and I nod understandably.
"How about you baby?" He finishes his soup, pushing the bowl aside, looking at me as he rests his head on his hands.
"Uhm, well... just one thing happened to me which was weird.." I looked around the room for answer.
"Well, spit it out!" He demanded, reaching to grab onto my hands. I grabbed onto his as he brushed the back of my hand, with his thumb.
"A girl demanded me to go to this sorority meeting, how crazy. At first she seemed nice but when I rejected her, she totally demanded me to go." I watched his hand as he began to speak, he spoke with a questionable tone.
"What do you mean, demand you? Fuck her, unless you want to do it?" I look up at him smiling and shrugging my shoulders.
"Yeah, I don't know. I mean we'll only be here for a half of a year so I don't know." I smiled at him. He leans in to give me a kiss.

"You tired mama?" He asks, taking his bowl to the kitchen to clean it off. I yawned thinking about it. I looked over at the clock which read 11:30pm... we've been talking for little less than two hours!
"Yes, how about you?" I asked, standing up, pushing in the chairs. His hands wrapped around my waist, behind me as he hugged me close to him. He swayed us as he spoke softy into my ear.
"I love you." Which made me blush and feel the beautiful butterflies inside my stomach.
"I love you too." And with that he softly kissed up and down my neck, before quickly sweeping me off my feet.

As we laid in bed, nude, I thought if this would've been the time to ask about the modeling job, or maybe I should've done it earlier... I felt myself tossing and turning in thought, until he wrapped his arms around me.
"Are you okay?" He kisses up and down my arm softly. I nod yes, letting out a sigh.
"Would you be okay with me modeling, maybe acting?" I watch him lean over me, giving me a "pfft" look rolling his eyes.
"You're silly. That's what you were thinking? You know I'll always support whatever you do, unless it's something bad like harming yourself... or someone else.." he held me in his arms again, I held him back as he continued to talk.
"I mean if you were too kill someone, let me know why and we will hide the body together if it's a valid reasoning..." we both giggled.
"You know, that kinda stuff.."

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