|9| Opening Up

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July 1, 1976

I wake up covered in sweat due to the hot humid day. I dislike waking up this way, it's almost like I couldn't breathe. But I slept naked last night, which helped some how. Today I wanted to introduce my mother to Prince, I hope she likes him. I should've done this automatically before I grew attached to him. But it's been almost a month of us dating so I think right now is appropriate timing.

I sit up in my bed, stretching then I begin to dial my moms number. She answers in her thick French accent.
"Amour!" She says as I giggle replying
"Mére!" (They speak in French during this conversation)
"How are you my sweetie? I miss your beautiful face, sometimes the phone isn't enough to soothe your mother's love for you."
"I'm sorry mother I've been busy but not busy enough to visit you." I had a tone in my voice and she absolutely caught on.
"You're in love! Oh dear I told you not to fall in love, you know what happened before, and with your father and I.. but when do I met him?" I roll my eyes letting out a faint chuckle.
"How about today?" I hear her shuffling threw her schedule notebook.
"Oh yes nothing is happening today you two come over for dinner okay?" I nod as if she can see me.
"Sounds great, I can't wait to see you." I reply in a sad tone because I haven't seen in her in awhile.
"I love you dear we will talk more in person, I have to clean now and get ready." She squeals as we both giggle and say goodbye.

Hanging up the phone I call Prince. He didn't answer, which he usually does so I started to worry. My roommate is gone for the holiday weekend, so I take advantage of it and walk around nude. I decided to take a quick shower and fresh makeup, plus the usual boring hygienic everyday stuff. It still was bothering me he didn't answer so I try again.

"Hello?" He says in a groggy voice.
"Oh no did I wake you?" I look over at the clock which read 12pm. Why did he sleep this late? I wondered to myself.
"I'm always awake for you baby." He said in his raspy deep morning, voice which got me wet. I hear him breathe on the other line. I cut the silence with my question
"My mom would like to meet you." I bit my lips out of nerves waiting for him to reply.
"Dinner, tonight at her house."
"I'll pick you up then." I smiled because in his voice he didn't seem nervous.
"I love you, now go get some sleep." I replied.
"I love you too, but I think it's time to get up." He chuckles.
"Damn I can't believe I slept so late, guess this is what it means learning new stuff in the studio. Can you believe they want more songs from me, well of course the do, we just signed a contract back in the beginning of June." He sleepily rants to me.
"I'm happy this is happening for you Prince, you're really passionate about your music."
"For us." He replied. I looked confused.
"This is happening for us baby." He groans as I hear him move in the background. I smile stupidly.
"Alright mama I'm going to get cleaned up and come over, I love you too." He declares before hanging up. In the meantime I decided to clean up the house to pass time.

    He arrives a hour earlier than expected, I wonder why. I say to myself before rolling my eyes. I throw on a red paisley silk robe  before opening the door for him to come in. He comes in as I shut the door behind him I turn around to him looking me up and down licking his lip.
   "Damn you're so fine." He examines my body one more time before pulling me closer for a kiss. He places his hand on my neck, before moving his hand up to the side of my face, where be begins softly stroking my cheek with his thumb. We both part out kisses looking into each other's eyes. His rich hazel eyes look into mine like he's piercing my soul. I wrap my arms around his waist before he starts to lean in and kiss my neck. I close my eyes pressing my head against the door as  he kisses up and down my neck. I feel myself start to get wet as he teasingly licks my weak spot. I let out a whimper before he whispers deeply in my ear.
   "You're so beautiful." Which made my heart skip. I pull him closer to me starting to embrace him. I let out a happy sigh as I start to run my hands up and down his back. He moves his head pressing out foreheads together slightly. We stare into each other's eyes before I kiss him tugging on his bottom lip with my teeth. He closes his eyes, moving my hands to his hips jolting them closer to me. He let's out a groan before asking what time it was. I glance over him at my wall clock which read
   "4:15." I sighed because my mom wanted us there at 5, and it takes 30 minutes to get there. He moves back pecking my lips he rubbing my sides.
   "I don't want to make a bad first impression.." He looks into my eyes before stepping away. Biting his lip I walk away, removing my robe reveling my backside to him. I giggle hearing him let out moan as I go into my bedroom to change.

   Once I got into clean clothes we got into the car and started to drive to my mother's house. We started talking about him and his childhood, one of many things that stood out to me was how his father was a alcoholic and abused him and his mother, because that was the same with me. He told me he ran away at 13 because he could take it anymore. Plus his mother remarried and the guy was skummy. He asks me about mine and I let out a sigh not wanting to go there but I knew I could with him.
"You don't have to tell me anything you know." He says comfortingly. I let out a sigh and smile.
"I want to." So during this ride I gave him as much information I could remember...

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