|34| 2Gether

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As a few weeks go by, it's time for me to pack up my house and get ready to live in a dorm for 9months. It's small but already paid for. Even though my father was who he was, he already saved money for me to go to a proper private college. He always made sure I went to a "proper" private school even though he never saw me. We ran from him, he never chased us or even tried for us to come home, because he knew he had his issues. All he wanted was for me to get a proper education and that was that. Never gave us food or other needs, only money to the school for me to be taught...odd

I decided to have Prince come over and help me pack. I have half of my room packed up by the time he comes over.
"Oh man." He walks into the room looking around. I look up at him as I'm folding my clothes.
"Hey." He says as we both smile at each other.
"Hey." I replied as he walks over to me wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Whatcha doing?" He asks as he peaks over the side of me.
"Trying to pack. Wanna help?" I ask escaping his grip handing him the shirt I had in my hand. I giggled as he made a smack with his lips.
"That's why you came over here for? Right?" I teased as I pulled everything out from my closet.

As time goes by, we finish packing my room and some of the closet stuff. I grab a marker marking the boxes and what they are.
"What's this?" Prince asks. I look over at his devilish smile as he holds out my old uniform from when I was 14. I rolled my eyes and went back to marking the boxes.
"That's my old uniform." I said shaking my head.
"Uniform? You went to a private school?" He asks as he walks over to me.
"Yes, yes I did. Is there a problem with that?" I teased as I looked at him when he got closer.
"Put it on." He demands. I feel my heart begin to pound.
"That won't even fit me!" I giggled as he handed it to me licking his lips.
"That's the point, isn't it?" He smirked watching me.

At the moment I left the room to change I knew what was going on. I thanked God that Stacy wasn't home as I looked at myself in the mirror in my way to tight outfit. I couldn't even get the skirt to fit right so I pulled it up all the way, making it a mini skirt as well as my top wouldn't button up all the way. I giggled uncontrollably as I stared at myself in the mirror.

When I walk into my once fully decorated room, now empty and dimly lit. I see Prince shuffling threw a magazine on my bed. I decided to walk in quietly and crawl onto the bed.

I was still pretty nervous to make love to him ever since the incident, and we haven't. We've been still talking every night and hanging out with each other, just not like before.

I crawl onto his lap as he sits the magazine down, wandering his eyes up and down my body. He licks his lips, I blush as I move his legs so I can sit between them. My back facing him he wraps his arms around me as I pick back up the magazine.
"What page?" I asked flipping threw it.
"13," he whispers. I turned it to 13 and read threw it until I decided to sit it down and listen to the music with him. I close my eyes resting the back of my head on his chest. I feel his hands start to move around as they move up my breasts slightly squeezing. I moaned softly as I begin to feel my nipples harden from his touch.
"Mmm." I feel him unbutton my top as I move my legs up. He opens my top exposing my bare breasts. I receive goosebumps from the cold air conditioned air running across my warm skin. He brushes a crossed my sensitive nipples with his thumbs causing me to release a moan and feel a wetness and numbness come between my legs.

I hear him lick his finger before circling my nipple with it and rubbing his hand down my body. He continued to gently flick my nipple as his other hand hiked up my skirt. I spread my legs more wanting his touch. I watch his hand run down my inner thigh and close my eyes before he pets my wetness. I flinch letting out soft whines with each stroke.
"Mmm mama you're so wet. How long have you been holding it in?" He whispers deeply into my ear as his fingers dance around my spot. I grip onto the sheets more. I feel his other hand move off of my breasts as he moved his fingers in and out of me slowly. I hear him turn on my vibrator running it across my nipples, causing my clit to become swollen with anticipation. I let moans release my lips as I felt him run it down my body and between my legs. Feeling the vibrations against my clit made me whine. He rubs it softly up and down with his fingers as well. I grab onto his legs, spreading mine more as he slides the tip of it inside me. I let out a loud moan as he begins to thrust to slowly in and out of me, as he rubs his fingers against my swollen lips.
"Come for me baby, you haven't done it in so long. Come on." He picks up his speed, he turns it to the highest setting pressing it against my g spot. I came all over as he continued sending me into a orgasm arching my back.
"Mmmm that's it." He groans into my ear. I moan more as he removes the vibrator from me. I pant feeling all of wetness between my legs and all over the sheets.

As I gathered my thoughts I bend over in front of him, teasingly wiggling my booty around.
"Cmon' Princey don't you wanna?" I breathily spoke. I ran the vibrator on low around my clit preparing myself for him as I hear him move around behind me, undressing and putting on a condom. I grab onto a pillow placing it under me as I prop myself up for him. I feel him grab onto my hips as I grab onto the sheets. He starts to ramp his hard member into my swollen pussy. Moans released throughout the room with each thrust as we both reached out climax.

I run my hands down his wet body as noise of the shower water hits the floor. All of my thoughts race to me as we washed off.
"Aurora?" He asks as I unnoticeably had my eyes constrained on the floor as I was deep into thought. I looked up at home and smiled.
"Prince?" He turns to shut off the shower before replying.
"Everything alright? Anything you want to talk about?" I look at him wrapping my arms around myself.
"I'm just nervous for school and everything." He shakes his head as he opens the curtain.
"No need to be worried. But do you want to tell me why you're worried?" He asks handing me a towel as he begins to dry off.
"What if this is our last time?" I asked in a soft voice as I wrapped the towel around me.
"It won't be, and if so, it'll be alright, alright?" He pulls me in for a embrace which then carried me into my bedroom tickling me. He sits me on my dresser as I watch him remove my sheets. He keeps glancing at me with a sly look on his face as he changes them.
"What?!" I blush looking at the sheets and at him.
"Damn you were like a waterfall!" He yells wrapping them up in a ball. I blush terribly as I got off and took them from him. He slaps my ass as I walk away.
"Prince!" I yelled giggling.

I threw the sheets in the washer and come back into my room with clean ones. As I walk in I see Prince on the edge of my bed with my photo album. I sighed not wanting to look at them so I decided to walk over to my remaining clothes and pick out a nighty.
"Who's this?" He asked and I looked rolling my eyes.
"My ex, my mom made us take that photo, I should've burned it already." He smacks his lips as he got off the bed putting the album back in the box, then starts to put the sheets back on the bed I fold my clothes back up as I feel him creep up behind me wrapping his arms around me.
"Tell me one thing," he asks as he runs his hands up and down my body.
"Did he love you like I do?" I giggled and nodded my head no as he picked me up from behind tickling me as he put me on the bed. I laughed uncontrollably as I laid there watching him get under the sheets next to me. I watch him throw the towel from his waist onto the floor next to him. I sat up in front of him and put my hands over my mouth gasping.
"Are you naked under there?" I teased at he smiled and rolled his eyes rubbing his face with his hand. I giggled as I climbed under the sheets as well.

We both fell asleep soon after, intwined in each other's arms.

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