|52| Father

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My father and I walked through the garden, until we finally reached the big fountain in the middle of it. I decided to sit on the edge of it, as he sat down in front of me.
"What are you looking for? Through all of this?" I asked looking at him. He sighs before speaking.
"I know I was a bad father, bad husband. I just want to make things right, before I die."
"You know someone dear to me, once said something. He said. "We all born with the knowledge, we are going to die one day." So why now? After beyond 10 years?" I looked at him as he looks back.
"When I was diagnosed with this illness, I decided to write everything down I've regretted. I definitely regret doing what I did to you and your mother. I'm sorry Aurora, I'm truly am." Everything around us went quiet as I feel full rage fill up on my body.
"Let it out, Aurora." He said. I started to yell.
"Do you understand half the shit you put my mother and I through? Do you understand what's it's like being a 10 year old and seeing your fathers hands wrapped around your mothers neck? Do you understand what it's like being young in general and having to move every fucking month to run away from someone who regretted your ever being of life? Do you understand what it's like having no food, proper clothes, or even a place to rest your head at night? Do you understand how I felt knowing my mother was giving herself away for me to even have half of that shit? You don't and that's why I can't do this! You don't know what happened that whole time we left, all you fucking cared about is some education and that's it. What the fuck education is going to do when you're fucked up in the head from anxiety and stress?! You think throwing the pitty party on yourself is going to make anything better?!" I yelled at him, until I ran away and back into my room. I didn't want to hear his excuses. All I wanted is to go home and everything to go back to normal. I picked up my phone, scheduling a flight back home.
"Aurora?" My mother said as she knocked on my door.
"I don't want to talk to anyone, I just want to go home," she comes in as I reply.
"I have to stay, I wanted you to stay as well..." she said as she closed the door behind her.
"I can't stay, I just can't." I replied as tears rolled down my face.
"I know... I'm sorry I put you through this.." she gave me a hug, which made me cry more.
"What about the house? Your work? Everything?" I said threw sniffles.
"He already has most of the house stuff here, and your stuff is still at the house, because I knew this would happen." She begins to rub my back as I held her closer.
"Just not now mother, I can't deal with it now." I looked up at her as she wipes my tears away.
"I know. Just go home and continue school. Everything will go back to normal soon."
"But what about you? I'm worried-"
"Don't be it will be alright." She said in a soothing tone as she held me tight.

   After she left the room I decided to call Prince.
   "Hello?" There was absolute silence on the other line.
"Aurora? Is everything okay? Do you know what time it is?" Prince replies back. I sat there calculating the time.
"Are you okay?" He asks again.
"Uh yes.. I was wondering if you could pick me up around 3pm tomorrow. I'm going home in a hour..." I let out a sigh as I waited for his reply.
"Yeah, of course. Is there something you want to talk about?" He let's out a yawn during his sentence. I nod my head no as I reply.
   "No. Well, my father apologize..." I felt my face heat up as I held back the tears.
   "How did that go?" He says in a faint voice.
   "Well I'm coming home, so not so good. I mean I wanted to accept it but for some reason, I just can't. Not now, not until he truly understands why.." I whispered. The tears fell from my eyes as I spoke.
   "I just want to come home. I miss you." I sniffled.
   "I miss you too baby. We will see each other tomorrow though, okay?"
   "I love you too... and I'll tell you more then as well."

   I made sure I gave my mother a big hug before leaving. It was a ereie feeling flying alone, but soon after, peaceful. For some odd reason every time I get onto a plane and up in the air, I seem to pass out. Automatic melatonin. Fun, right?...

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