|36| 1st Day

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I wait on the phone, calling Prince, I continue to study my text book writing down notes. I hear the phone pick up.
"Hello?" I said nervously waiting for a reply.
"Hey baby," Prince says in a groggy voice.
"We're you sleeping?" I asked looking at my watch.h
"What time is it?" He asks as I hear him yawn in a distance.
"It's 4:30pm." I said closing my textbook.
"What phone are you using?" I hear him move around in the background.
"They have a special phone room here. There's only one.. I just got done calling my mom, she said she'd like for us to come over on Saturday, if you'd like." I began to scribble on my paper waiting for his response.
"Yes, sounds great to me. What are you doing tonight? Can I come get you to grab a bite?" I bit my lip containing a smile.
"Bite of what?" I teased.
"Bite of your ass!" He yelled. We both started to laugh.
"I'll be there by 6, love you." We both hang up.

We both sit in the same booth next to each other. I usually like to sit across from someone, but today will be an acceptation. He wraps his arm around my waist as I flip threw the menu.
"Sooo, what are you hungry for?" I asked turning the page.
"You know..." he whispered deeply as he kissed my jaw.
"Pfft, please cmon'" I pushed his head away from mine.
"I'll have whatever you're having." He replies and then we order.

"How was your first day of school, girlie." He plays with my hair teasing me. I rolled my eyes smiling.
"Mostly presentations and simple assignments. How was- oh yeah why did you wake up so late?" I looked at him concerned.
"Oh yeah, I recorded a song." He looks down shyly smiling. I pinched his side,
"Hey you have to show me it now!" He slaps my hands away as I pinch him all over. I giggled and he smiled.
"Maybe." He unwraps his arm around me to take a sip of his drink.
"What do I have to do?" I said in a sexy voice whispering. He shakes his head putting his finger on my lips to shh me.
"Don't say that." He smiles and I place my hand on his leg. He runs his brushes fingertips across my face to put my hair behind my ear.
"You should let me braid your hair." He says as he takes another sip. I give him a silly look.
"What you know how to braid hair?" He nods yes.
"I have a younger sister, though we're not that close anymore." I nod.
"Okay, so, when? I don't know how to braid hair, maybe you should teach me." I said excited. Last time someone braided my hair was Daisy for the 4th of July. He shrugs and motions to let me know the food is here.

We ate out food and decided to go for a little walk around the near by park. We're holding hands and swinging them, we decided to find a little area to sit down at just to talk. He wraps his arms around me as I wrap my jacket around myself. The cool and warm autumn breeze flows over us as we look at the lake in front of us.
"Do you ever just sit, and wonder.. about our future?" I asked in a calm tone.
"Sometimes, but why do you ask?" He kisses my cheek.
"I don't know. I know once school really starts up, we won't have anything time together, and if we do, it will be short." I sighed and he squeezes me tighter.
"Don't worry about that. It's not a big deal, just a road to cross and we can do it. Plus it'll make our relationship stronger." I look back at him and smile.
"You really think so?" He nods yes and I plant a kiss on his lips. I see his hand reach into his jacket.
"As long as we're apart I want to remind you we're always together, maybe not physically but our souls are tied together no matter where we will be." I smiled at him holding him close. He pulls out a dainty simple but beautiful ring.
"Promise from me, to you." He smiles and I kiss him again as he slides it on my finger.
"Thank you." I smile as I grab my necklace from the inside of my shirt pulling out his ring I got him. He shakes his head and smiles.
"Crazy I got you one too," I gave it to him as we both giggled and kissed.

By the time it was over and I had to go back. I laid in bed realizing he was my true love. I loved him with all my heart, all of my soul and there's nothing or nobody in the world that would ever stop that feeling. I know for the rest of entirety I would love him, even if anything might happen between us.

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