|65| Soroity

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   I put on a formal fitting dress and blazer as Prince enters the bedroom.
   "Can I drive you there?" He asks. I pull up the dress nodding yes.
   "Yes, can you please take me there." I smiled at him and he smiled back before he got dressed. I put on simple makeup and my daily hygienic routine of brushing my teeth, etc. As I run bangles down my arm, Prince comes up behind me, locking me in his arms. I giggled as he kissed up and down my neck.
   "Maybe you and I should get away? Does that sound like fun mama?" He roams his hands all down and up my body as I melt in his arms. I nod yes, biting my lip, watching him in the mirror. 
   "I'd like that a lot." I said, turning to him to plant a kiss on his lips.
   "Okay, lets go before you're late." He grabs onto my hand and leads the way.

   We pull up to a huge mansion. I was quiet nervous until Prince reassured me it was okay. I gave him a quick kiss and left the car, starting to walk up to the house.

   The large door opens as soon as I hit the steps. Two girls who announced their names welcomed me inside and suggested I took a look at their book, which was the History on the sorority.

I followed the sign, which lead to the living room, filled with other girls my age and older ones. Gloria notices me and smiles as she walks up to me.
"Oh I'm so glad you made it Aurora!" She hugs me as if we've were friends, or have been friends for many years. I hug her back and grit my teeth in silence.
"Yeah, I mean if it wasn't for you being so persistent on me coming, I wouldn't be here. I've taken a look on the short summary background on this sorority and I do think I like it." I smiled at her as she stands in front of me. She claps her hands smiling.
"Fantastic! And do you think you'll be staying here with us?" She asks. I nod my head no.
"I do see here," I open the page I booked marked, which was the first three pages of the book. I'm a quick reader but might as well read a few pages as you're walking, right?
"It says you don't have to stay in the house to be apart of the sorority, but you do have to take place in every meeting and event." I smiled at her and she shrugs.
"I think it would expand your experience here a lot, but you do as you please." She smirks and at that moment another lady announces.
"Let the meeting begin!"

We all gathered around and sat on the couches/floor in front of this lady.
"Welcome to Kappa Kappa Gamma! We are the number 1 sorority on the West Cost." Everybody claps as she smiles cheekily. Don't get me wrong, I was kinda intimidated by her bleach blonde hair and tan skin, but that smile was definitely a plastic Barbie one. Okay, maybe I should judge but I already had a little outside information on how sororities would be, and so far it's led up to that expectation of fakeness in the air.
"This coming week is Rush Week! Don't know what that means? Turn to the page 10 in your handbook. It just basically means we're recruiting you! You must come to the party we're hosting this coming Saturday! We will have themed "games" or whatever you'd like to say. Whoever can overcome the obstacles and chooses the best decisions for each "game" will be announced on Bid day. Bid day is kinda like the day where we choose you to join us or not... any questions?" She looked around the room and nobody had questions.
"Okay, very well now. How about dinner now?"

All 20 of us sat around the table. Most of us were newbies and two of them were the "senior" sisters, whatever they call them, recruiting us. We all shared and talked around the table, I kinda sat there not knowing what to do. I felt awkward and was really wondering if this was for me. As soon as the food came I felt a little relieved getting the fuck out of there, to clear my mind, right? I was a social person but this sorority seemed, I guess the nicest word I could use is... preppy. I mean you have to have good grades to be in a sorority but doesn't make them socially smart.

Everything was done and we all started walking out the door, until I was pulled back by my arm.
"Do you need a ride home?" I turn to see it was Gloria. She smiled at me and I smiled back.

"You know I was like you, Freshman year." Gloria broke the silence in the car.
"I was determined to get you here, I know I probably came off a bit rude the first day we met." She shrugs and I nod.
"I'll be fun, trust me." She quickly smiles at me before turning back to the road. We talked the whole way to my house, I understand where she came from and who she really is now, nice. We pulled up to the house.
"Thank you Gloria for taking me home." I said exiting the car. I waved her off as she did me.

It was dark so I carefully made my way up the pathway to the dimly lighted house. I open the door slowly and enter. I see Prince sitting on the couch reading a book. I think it was time for me to apologize for leaving him today. (-;

4 UOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora