|58| Lost

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The next day I was woken up to a million kisses on my back and neck. I giggled and turned over to see Prince fully dressed.
"I hate when you do that." I groaned. He looked at me puzzled.
"Get dressed before me. Makes me look lazy." I giggled stretching, which gave him a opportunity to tickle me wildly, which he did.

"Please! Please! Stop! Mercy!" I yelled threw laughs. He shakes his head no.
"I just woke up my bladder can't take this!" I whined in the laugh. He automatically pulled off of me laughing.
"Whew okay." I laid their trying to catch my breath before I rolled off the bed. He slaps my ass, which I turned to slap him and he ducked, sticking his tongue out at me followed with laughing.
"I'm going to get you!" I yelled walking into the bathroom.

I smelled fresh food cooking on the stove, when I exited my shower.
"Odd." I spoke to myself. He hasn't done this in awhile. I finish getting ready for the day and soonly come out to see what he was up to.

"Breakfast. Is. Served." He spoke I a funny accent, slapping the pancakes down onto the plates. We sat down at the bar/counter area, eating our food. By the time we were done he turns to me and says.
  "I left something out last night, and I want you to know..." I sighed thinking of the worse. I turn my stool, looking at him, as he looks back.
   "Yes?" I asked. He grabbed my hands and said in a calm tone.
   "I have to move to California for a few months, they want me to record the rest of the album there... and finish it off." I felt my heart break and tears to form my eyes...
   "How lo-" he cuts me off.
   "I want you to come with me, don't cry. Can you come with me?" He asks standing up, pulling me in for a hug. I had to think about it, I have college and a job here I need to do.
   "Prince..." I whispered. He got on his knees.
   "I'm begging you to come with me." He looks up at me. I tried to hold back a smile
    "Maybe." I replied taking a sip of the orange juice.
   "Maybe? What can I do to convince you?" He asks placing his hands on my legs, running his hands up them.
   "Hmm, I don't know." I teased more, playing with the straw.
   "Looks like my tongue needs some persuasion to do.." He spoke in a deeper tone than usual, spreading my legs.

   He moves my silk night gown up, softly kissing up on my inner thigh. I watch him, biting my lip, as he glances up at me.   I lean back on the counter, gripping it as he pulls my panties down, exposing my wet heat. I move closer to the edge of the stool, resting my leg on the other one as he licks around my clit. I release a moan, leaning my head back. He starts to nibble softly around before gliding the tip of his tongue up and down against my now swollen tingling clit. I pant before moaning, starting to move myself against his movements. He moves back, panting. I watch him lick his finger in a circle before plunging it in and out of me, fast.
   "I'm gonna come!" I moaned and with that he moves another finger inside me, causing me to spill on him.
   "Mmm." He moans as he licks up my come from my thighs and my clit. I sat there panting.. until someone knocked on the door.

   "Fuck." He whispered against my skin, before standing up.
   "W-what? Who is it?" I looked at him as he wipes his mouth off.
   "André, I have to tell him. Fuck I forgot he was coming over..." he walks into the bedroom and back out with a new shirt.
   "I'm so sorry baby." He says. I nod ok, quickly running into the bathroom to clean up, and to give him time to talk to André.

   Not even a few months ago they finally formed a official band and released a album. I don't know if this "talk" will go well, especially if Prince is going single, without André and the band.

When I was in the shower, I started to hear the two raise their voice. I finished up and it sounds as if they're using their indoor voices, again. I looked around the room for a towel.
"No, fuck, shit, please." I whispered rummaging threw under his sink and the towel cabinet, which had nothing inside. I started to plan how I'd get to his bedroom.
"Alright, so the door is literally right in front of the bathroom door.. if I walk threw quick enough, nobody will know." I spoke to myself.
"Plus they're arguing or whatever, who cares." I grabbed on the knob of the door, turning it, I stepped forward and slipped on the bathroom rug. Falling face first in the hallway, my body made a loud wet bang onto the hardwood floor. I laid their on the floor, trying to accept what happened. I glanced over at them, which they were looking back with André's held tilted. I quickly got up from embarrassment and ran inside his bedroom, shutting the door behind me.

Prince knocks on the door.
"Are you alright? That sounded like it hurt." I turned to him as he opened the door. I look at him, shivering with my arms crossed.
"Yeah, I'm fine... you didn't have any towels in there." I whispered.
"Oh, well..." he leaves and comes back throwing a towel to me before exiting.

From there on out I didn't hear them speak, it was actually pretty quiet.. I decided to peak my head out the door, noticing it's just Prince there.
"Prince?" I asked, coming out of the room as I put on a bath robe.
"Yeah?" He sounded annoyed, but I still wanted to make sure everything was alright. I walk out, seeing him at his small but accountable desk, writing.
"Baby are you alright?" I whispered wrapping my arms around him from behind. He nods and shrugs.
"I think I just lost my best friend." He sighed, folding the paper up in front of him.
"I think he'll forgive you and understand once he re-" he cuts me off.
"André is bullheaded, just like me Y'know." He sighs again so I start to run his chest in soft circles.
"Baby you wanna go to bed?" I whisper sweetly, softy kissing up and down his neck. He nods yes,
"Yeah I'd like that a lot.."

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