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    Saturday came quicker than usual. I was extra nervous today because it was the starting of rush weekend. I had to find a ride there because Prince left extremely early to work in the studio, and Gloria didn't offer to pick me up...

    As soon as I grab onto the phone, it rings...
"Hi, Aurora? It's me Eric. How are you?" I here commotion on the other line.
"I about ready too- well, I'm good. How are you Eric?" I wanted to hear what he'd have to say, before I left to RUSH the WEEKEND..
"I have amazing news for you! This agency contacted me, wanted you as their model! But first they want to do some photos of you, how do you feel about snakes?" The pressure in his voice echoed threw me. I grabbed a pen and paper knowing it was going to be good.
"How do I feel about snakes? I love them... they're very mystical creatures, when is this photoshoot." I smiled into the phone.
"Today, I'll come by and get you if you want?"
"Sounds fantastic." And with that we both hung up the line.

I dressed pretty simple, not to much and not to little. Eric pulled up in the driveway and I hopped into his car.
"This is exciting, a lot to take in." I said as he drove off.
"Oh yeah I'm so happy for you!" We both smiled at each other. Silence was the whole car ride there. I think we both were equally nervous about this. He also informed me he would be getting a job as a photographer there, if I got in. He is the one taking my photo, and I am the one modeling for it. So it's all in or none at all.

When we pull up, we both take a deep breathe before exiting the car. The location is a house on a beautiful beach. We walk up and the door opens.
"Come in." The tell man waves us in. We enter and inside was a beautifully dressed woman with what looks like an assistant on her side.
"Hello! You must be Aurora and... Eric!" She taps her head as she walks over to us, to shake our hands. We both nod, smile, and shake her hand.
"Wonderful, follow me." We both quickly followed her throughout the luxurious mansion until we hit a room. Behind the closed door reveled a vanity, next to it a makeup artist, blue back drop and lights. Wonderful natural lighting was bouncing off the pure white walls.

"Have you ever done this before?" She asked me.
"Well, I had Eric do my photos." I handed her the ones I have. She smiles and looks at Eric, as he hands her his portfolio.
"Don't be nervous, we will take good care of you Aurora. As for Eric, we might have to paddle him into shape." She teased and we both awkwardly laughed. The MUA walks over to me and grabs my hand, leading the way to the vanity across the room. She didn't address her name and just got to work, adding makeup on my face.

"You look nervous. Are you nervous? Want a cig?" The MUA asks. I looked around the room and up at her as she lights hers. I smoked once or twice in my life, it was more of a social thing than anything else. She handed one to me and I pressed it between my lips as he lit it up. Eric playfully snaps a photo of me and rubs my shoulder.
"It'll be alright!" He reassured me as he took a cig from the MUA for himself. I smiled before I inhaled the smoke, feeling my anxiety swim away with every breathe out.
"Before we start everything, I'd like you to sign this agreement." The elegantly dressed lady asked me, handing me a pen and the paper. I quickly skimmed it and signed it. Basically saying they had rights to the photos and they'd send me prints once they have them, my name, and address..

The time was up, time to add on a outfit. Another person brings up to me, telling me to sell the jewels besides the actual dress. I nodded in agreement and got dressed shortly after. The assistant lead me to the living room, where I posed with a older gentleman as a Eric and another photo snapped our photo. With each snap we changed poses and facial expression.
"Alright I think I got it!" The photographer with a thick Italian accent spoke.

They quickly pulled me back into the changing room, and changed me into just a red robe with nothing under it. "Okay," I guessed to myself. She lead me back into the living room and another man walks in as the older gentleman stands behind me.
"You like snakes?" The guy says as he pulls out a garden snake.. no big deal to me.
"Oh yeah love them!" I squealed as he handed the snake over to me. I did the same thing as I did before, posed, changed facial expression with each snap.
"Perfect! Onto the next!" The photographer yelled, and onto the next area the assistant did lead me.

"Alright, so this one you're going to be nude." She says to me as she marks down notes. I never took a photo nude before, it's not a big deal being nude to me atleast... I quickly dropped the robe as the snake keeper removes a huge snake. It looked and felt as it was heavy as me. He quickly wrapped it around me, just right, and I quickly tried to "model" as much as I can. The weight of the snake was heavy but durable, I was mostly worried it would bite me. I know with these photos I posed awkwardly but some how the photographer was pleased with the results.
"Okay, how about the blue backdrop?" He said and we all walked over to it.

By the time it we did the blue backdrop? It was dark out. They loved how the moon's light came in and did that photo with that lighting. The photographer took a lot of snaps of this scene until he yelled!

I walked over to the MUA and she congratulated me. She quickly changed my makeup and I was wondering to myself when the day was going to end.
"Stockings," the assistant spoke handing me a teal pair of stockings. She threw a robe over me before we walked throughout the mansion finally walking into another beautifully lit white room with nothing but a wicker chair in it.
"Best of luck, sell the stockings." She said. Now this time I don't have anything to cover me up as much as possible... so with the some confidence I still have, I walked over to the chair and threw off my robe. I posed on the chair and in different positions until the photographer threw me a black pair of stockings. I quickly changed them and posed with those until it was time to wrap it up...

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