|5| Make Love 2 Me

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10 minutes into our walk and me vigorously holding onto him to help me walk, it is slowly coming to me what I tried to do, and how he handled it.

We walk up to a diner as he holds the door open for me, I apologize. We walked over to a booth and sat down looking at him to see if he accepted it or not. The waitress comes up to us and he orders for us.
"Coffee for both please." She nods as she writes it down. We both flip over our cups and look into each other's eyes, I looked away with embarrassment.
"Hey," he grabs my hand and places a soft kiss onto it. I blush whispering to myself, still looking away.
"I feel like such a fool." He let's out a laugh and a quick smile.
"You looked like one to." I glare at him a angry look as I kicked his leg under the table making him laugh more which caused me to start laughing.

The waitress brought us over our coffees. After about the second cup and some water I started to sober up.
"Will your friends be angry we left." He takes a sip as I ask him, shaking his head no.
"They we're having fun when we left they didn't even notice." He shyly let's out a quick smile and watches me as I take another sip.
"Did you have fun?" I asked setting my cup down onto the cold table. His eyes rolled to the ceiling as he was humming.
"Hmm," he looks at me and smiles.
"Lots of fun." I blush again, man all these feelings. He looked at me with a concerned look.
"Are you hungry?" I nod yes biting my lip. I look over at the menu and ordered a burger with fries.

When the plate of food was delivered we begin to eat. He offered to feed me a fry so I obliged and as soon as I opened my mouth he ate it! I pout at him teasingly.
"That wasn't very nice." He nods and agrees.
"Okay okay that wasn't." So again, he reached over to me, and did the same thing! I cross my hands holding back a smile from him. He's over there giggling and eating all the fries and his half of the burger. He watches me for a response so I stick my tongue out at him and continue to eat as well.

After our dinner we decided to walk to his house instead of calling a cab. It was a good 30min walk but I enjoyed talking to him and thanking him for keeping me safe as well as apologizing over and over, which he ignored kindly.

   Unlocking his front door we both walk into a semi summer cold house. He locks the door behind us as well as closing the blinds to a very vacant looking house. He wraps his arms around me from behind slowly swaying us bath and forth. He softly lands a kiss on my jaw as I close my eyes enjoying his embrace.
   "You tired yet?" He whispers into my ear. I nod as soon as he said that giving out a yawn.
   "Can I take a shower first?" He let's out a short laugh.
   "You don't have to ask me to take a shower." I turn around and give him a kiss as I leave our embrace to go into the bathroom. I hear his footsteps go into his bedroom which made me sigh of relief. He's been so respectable to me, more than any man has my whole life. Usually on the first date they want to fuck me, we usually do and it's over automatically.

   I removed my clothes stepping into the shower, letting the hot water hit my cold skin letting out a groan in relief. I stand in the shower collecting all of my thoughts before turning off the shower and exiting. I stand there for a moment before stepping out onto my clothes, so I wouldn't fall. I looked at myself in the mirror looking at every detail of myself. During these times I see myself I feel vulnerable; like all of my flaws are stabbing me in the face.

   At this moment I knew what I wanted, I knew I wanted to feel loved, be loved, and vise versa. I wanted someone to snuggle up to under the sheets during a hot summer night, but not just summer , during a cold winter day I want to feel the lips of someone else's against my skin to make me come alive again. I want love.

   I exited the bathroom and entered Prince's dark room. I see him laying on his bed with his eyes shut and a magazine in his hand. I watched him carefully hoping he'd wake up to me, which he did.
   He slowly and carefully lifts his head up to look at my bare naked body. From his facial expressions it's as if I was the Mona Lisa. I wanted to go run away and hide knowing this is not my comfort zone, my own body, but I wanted him to see me like this, I wanted to see me and all my flaws the way they are.

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