Unbreakable bond...

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 No Jin don't do that that's illegal....😏😏 That collar bone is so sharp that it kills me....!!😅😅

"Live for the moments

                  you can't put into words.."


For few days i use to visit him at night and use to stay till midnight. Of course we did no do any inappropriate things as we had promised each other about this. He scolded me many times because coming via balcony was risky and he was afraid too because his mother use to be at home and even my parents were there but i would never listen to him because for me this was exciting thing like being with each other at this time when our parents are out there made me crazy.

"Y/N why don't you listen to me?" Jin said with furious but low voice while he passed the book towards me in the library.

"No i won't" i said and took the book barely looking at him because i knew his charms will make me fall for him and i didn't wanted to listen to him.

"Aishh this girl... Will never listen..!! you are so stubborn...!!!"

I chuckled.

"Y/N, i care for you and i want that you should be safe" he whispered.

I did not replied.

"Yah..! are you listening? Wait i will close the door of my balcony today..." He said clenching his fist on the table.

"Well in this case i will use the front door to enter your house...." I gave an evil smile.

"Yah Y/N aish... Okay okay do whatever you want you are never going to listen to me... right..??"

I nodded and smiled at him.



Taehyung:"Y/N you will be coming for the camping right?"


"Jin you are also in right?" Jackson asked Jin who was completing his assignment.


"Aishh... i told you right that members of 'green team' will be going out for a camping you forgot Jin" i poked his cheeks.

"Oh i see yes i am in..!!"

"It will be fun" Jackson yelled which attracted the attention of the classroom and they started looking at us on which Taehyung smacked his butts and we ended up laughing.


Camping day;

"It would be fun if your tent is near mine.." Jin said as he winked at me which made me flush a little. This days Jin seems to be more active and romantic it is impossible to handle him.

"Yah yah... you love birds are you guys on honeymoon??"

We look behind to see Taehyung shooting glances at us.

I blushed while Jin gave him a death glare.

Camping was fun. I with other girls helped in cooking as i was good at that. Boys were helping our teacher to build the tent and collect woods for campfire.

Jin purposely use to cross my path and would wink at me, shooting flying kisses or even he use flirt and tease me around. He was making me go crazy for him. All i wanted to do was to hug him badly and kiss him till we go breathless.

During the campfire he purposely sat opposite to me and was distracting me. I was afraid that other students in the class might see us and there will be gossips about us which i did not wanted.

At night, i was laying in my tent thinking about what Jin must be doing right now. I was sleepless because this was the time when i use to be with him in his room talking and spending time, i was missing him badly right now.

"Shh.. "

I heard some swishing noise which startled me. As we were in the jungle so definitely, i was afraid about the wild animals.

I started looking around inside the tent to see where this noise was coming from. I was afraid my hands became cold, my throat dried. When i moved towards the opening of the tent the swishing noises increased, i carefully opened the zipper of the tent, i saw Jackson. I sighed as i saw him.

"Yah i almost got an heart attack pabo..!!" I whispered.

He shushed me and told me to follow him. I carefully came out of the tent without waking the other girls inside the tent and started walking with him.

"Yah...Jackson-ah where are taking me??" I said in low voice.

"Follow me Taehyung and Jin are waiting...!" He said.

After few minutes walking inside the jungle we reached a lake where we saw two human figure. 'they must be Tae and Jin' i thought.

As we reached we saw Tae and Jin waiting, Jin came and gave a warm hug, it was a hug i was waiting for throughout the day.

"Ahem ahem..." Taehyung playfully laughed and Jackson chuckled.

"What are we going to do guys? are you not afraid of the consequences if we get caught??" I said slightly worried slightly excited.

"Yah since when you started thinking about consequences???" Taehyung's eyes widen as he said.

We all sat near the lake, Jackson created a small fire by bringing some sticks and other materials. I was happy with these jerks because they were the one who holds important place in my life. In this cold night i had Jin by my side holding my hands and unknowingly transferring his warmth to me. This was the first time i was meeting him away from our home and school beneath the open sky without any fear.

We never actually went out and officially dated so this was like a date to me. 'The memories of this midnight and every midnight we spent and which we will spend together in future will always hold a special place in my heart.'

'They say in this world there are two kinds of happiness, one kind of happiness you only realize after the moment has passed, and the other is the happiness you feel at that very moment. The happiness you feel in that moment is so precious and the memories of that kind of happiness can stay with you forever and can enlighten your life. Maybe today we can create memories which will be there with us forever...'

We really had a great time, many things in this world doesn't need money and happiness is one of them.

"Yah hurry up before anybody sees us or else we will be dead meat, Jackson-ah you lazy ass come on. Jin bring Y/N properly there are lot of bushes over here" Taehyung yelled as we walked away from the lake, he was indeed acting as a guide or a leader...

Taehyung and Jackson were wearing sports shoes so they went too fast before us. Jin and i were holding hands while walking, as the area near the lake was slippery.

Suddenly, Jin stopped.

"Yah Jin what happened?" i was worried as he stopped in between, many thoughts flashed in my mind. He looked at me and he gave a half smile.

"Yah are you...." before i could complete he approached and planted a deep kiss on my lips, wrapping his hands around my waist and pulling me closer towards him. He started kissing passionately sucking my upper lips like there is no tomorrow, i grasped his nape by my hands pulling him closer so that there is no space in between us. The fact that we were in the middle of jungle and our classmates and teacher were few distances away and they could catch us red-handed anytime was making our moment more exciting and thrilling, but we were not in the mood to think about any damn shit.



Midnight Love || K. Sj [Completed]✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ