Chapter 7- Do I...Know You?

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A/N-Sup everyone! Chapter 7, I'm skipping the whole thing with Lucy and the Spirit world. It really has nothing to do with anything... or my story. -_-. Besides I want to just get on with my story. Anyways Enjoy the chapter! > _ <

--Akira's POV--

To say that the arena and the hotels looked great would be an understatement. They were beautifully amazing! Everything in our hotel was so comfortable and it had great privacy. I was walking around checking the place out with Lucy and Evergreen. Looking for things we could try in our own apartments back home. After a while of walking, Evergreen decided to head back to our hotel after some shopping. However, we didn't have much time to do much of shopping  as Laxus required us back at the hotel by 9:30, exactly, practically staring at me the whole time he said it. Same with Lucy. So we finally decided to go shopping for my outfit for the Grand Magic games.

"Hey Akira what do you think of this?!" yells Lucy across the room holding up a blue and white crop top and matching pants.

"That looks fine I just hope it doesn't rip in battle." I laugh while walking over to Lucy to checkout the outfit she held.

"Or you can wear THIS!" says Ever on the other side of the room. Afraid to turn around Lucy begins to snicker and nodded in agreement. Slowly I turn my body to face Ever, and... OMG THIS HAS TO BE THE MOST SLUTTY THING I'VE EVER SEEN EVERGREEN WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO?! HAVE ME RAPED BY HALF OF THE FRIGGING WORLD?! I think to myself instantly blushing my thoughts flashing between Laxus and the man I saw in my dreams.

"Huh huh? What do ya say? For Laxus?" beckons Evergreen shaking the outfit on the hanger.

"It looks like a slutty wonder woman outfit on Halloween!" I exclaim

"And what do you mean for Laxus. We're not... together"

"Oh come on Akira you have to know how he looks at you."

"Yeah Laxus really likes you. That's why he was so quick to ask you to join Rajinshu....He thinks you're hot."

"Plus you're really strong Akira-San" says Lucy

"Still that outfit, is a no I will take Lucy's outfit and go please."

"Whatever I'm still buying it though, for Laxus. Or anyone else you love... if there is one." State's Evergreen wiggling her eyebrows as she and Lucy walk up to purchase my outfits.

Once we finished shopping we heard a loud commotion outside the store and rushed out to see what the problem was. After walking out we were met by two men standing surrounded by a pile of collapsed bodies on the floor.

"Is there anyone worthy enough to-" sniff sniff.

"what is it Sting" asks the Dark haired man.

"I-I, I don't know I swear I smelled someone familiar."


"But it's almost impossible. She disappeared after that incident with, with...him."says the blonde in almost a whisper. Then his head slowly creaks over in my direction staring dead in my eyes his bright blue eyes widen and gaze into my dark brown eyes. Not long after I see a dust of pink wash over his face, then soon enough my face flushes and I feel a strangely familiar butterfly like feeling in my stomach. Then it quickly disappears when he hears an unfamiliar voice from behind ask

"Hey who are you, and who do you think you are doing something like this to innocent people?!" yells Natsu

"The twin Dragon Slayers Of Sabertooth. I'm Sting, That's Rouge" The blond man responds only partially taking his attention off me.

Laxus x OC x Sting: The Price Of Loving YouМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя