Chapter 9- Pain and Confusion

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--Akira's POV--

             After that situation I didn't know what to say to Sting or Laxus. They both seemed so angry I decided to leave the situation as it was. Which I guess was the best option at the moment, because it seemed that if I talked any more Laxus might strangle me. Which I couldn't afford anytime now, or ever for that matter.

"Oh my God! I don't know what to do. It's all so... confusing." I sigh to myself.

"What's wrong Akira? You ok?"

"No not really"

"what's going on?"

"Oh just fairy tail and Saber are almost gonna go to war because of me. And not to mention who knows what's going on with Natsu, Gajeel Rogue and... Sting. I know they 'respected' each other but each day they all seem to get more and more.... I don't know...different."

"different good or different bad."

"I don't know, it varies!" I exclaim sinking deeper into my depression. While Mira rubs my back to calm me down.

"it'll be ok soon Akira. You'll know what to do when something happens."

"yeah besides you've always been fine. You'll be fine now. Just need to knock some sense into both the knuckleheads!" inserts a familiarly gruff voice.

"See even Gajeel thinks so too, you'll be fine"

"thanks Gajeel, that's why you're my best friend."

"hey always have and always will be." laughed Gajeel along with Mira while I sulked some more.

"oh Jeez Akira forget it. After this whole thing is over we'll sort it all out."

"uhh! Ok fine! Oh God I can't...AHH!"

Suddenly I felt a striking burning sensation in my stomach. The pain was so bad I couldn't finish my sentence and I doubled over in pain. Writhing on the floor, I kept a hand on my stomach  signaling where the pain was.

"AKIRA?! OH NO! WHAT'S WRONG?!" Mira and Gajeel yell in clear shock.

Still in pain I couldn't say a word. I hold my free hand up to my face to see it was covered in a bloody red leathery flesh coating. Almost like 3rd degree burns. Why was this happening?

"Gajeel, quick get the Master! And tell Laxus so he can help me carry Akira to the infirmary."

"r-right!" stuttered Gajeel in a panicked voice as he ran off. Gajeel yelled out Laxus's name multiple times to try to find him.

"Gajeel! Down there he's talking to Jellal and Erza." Mira yelled, while Gajeel looked around for said man.

"Jeez the bastard can't be around when ya need 'em." grumbled Gajeel clearly upset.

"Oi! LAXUS get your Butt up here. Akira's hurt!" yelled Gajeel, "well that sure got his attention, wow he looks pissed." mumbled Gajeel.

Soon enough Laxus appeared looking as pissed as ever. I don't think this was the best time to be in pain. He just might still strangle me. I just might not make it to the infirmary. Oh dear lord.

"What's wrong with her." asked Laxus in a surprisingly concerned voice while he struggled to keep a non concerned face expression which didn't look to easy for him at the moment.

"I don't know! We were talking to her and then all of a sudden she just burst out in pain, holding her stomach." explained Mira. Laxus's face scrunched up in visual displeasure. He was not happy.

"YOU DON'T KNOW...WHAT'S WRONG WITH HER?!" exclaimed Laxus causing Gajeel to jump visably.

"NO! But if you calm down and just help me lift Akira. Then We could find out. Yelling isn't going to help Laxus."

Laxus took a breath and agreed almost instantly to carrying me. Although almost as soon as he did I felt like I was being watched. Obviously by Sting and Rogue...but there was another presence, it felt almost...evil.

Five. Five minutes was all it took for me to get to the Infirmary. Almost shockingly enough that was also the amount of time it took before I heard heavy footsteps running and occasionally tripping clumsily in the same direction I was going. At first I went through a series of different thoughts of who it could be, until they came to a breathy pause. Then they spoke.

        "Akira! Wait" the voice yelled. My thoughts along with everyone's actions came to a halt. What had gotten into him that he thinks he could come around our guild like that.

        "St-sting?" I manage to stutter out.

        "Akira! What's wrong?! What happened?" Sting questioned ignoring the burning glares of Gajeel, Natsu, and Laxus.

        "Like you would care. Why are you here?!" growled Laxus. Sting clenched his jaw, squeezing his fist enough to turn his knuckles white. Ignoring Laxus's question Sting proceeds to make his own analysis on the situation to figure out what was happening to me. SMACK! Then almost as quickly as light itself Sting was on the floor clutching a hand to his cheek. What had happened. SMACK!

        "BAKA! DID YOU NOT ALREADY HEAR ME?!" Yelled Laxus raising a foot to stomp on him. The sight almost made me cringe and finally I threw up.


When Laxus heard the sound of me throwing up he removed his foot from Sting and carried me the rest of the way to the infirmary. But I heard one last thing. A voice also so familiar, strong and wise. Makarov.

        "Why do you come here to see her so? Is it not true you hurt and embarrassed multiple people prior to the games Including that of my guild members?" Makarov asked not meeting Sting's eyes. A moment later Sting bowed his head.

        "Yet you treat Akira with such care and kindness. I appreciate, but why not extend that to others not like her, like her guild mates. And until you can do that and these games are over. Do not, and i mean do not, ever allow me to see you near Akira again. Understand?" finished Makarov with much authority and anger I could nearly hear Sting's heart break.

        We burst through the infirmary doors and I was immediately brought over to the beds. I layed there writhing in pain. Laxus and Gajeel kept hands on my arms and legs to keep me still and from falling off the bed. They seemed hesitant at first to lay hands on me but realized it was for the best and did it anyways. Laxus being protective as always almost told Gajeel to leave it alone and let him handle me but as stubborn as Gajeel is he refused to let go of me. So Laxus was forced to leave it as is. Soon enough I heard several more extra voices. Instantly I knew who it was. Rajinshu, Erza, Lucy, Grey, Juvia, Mira, Makarov, and most definitely Natsu. Natsu stepped up first growling and asked why I was hurt, but we hadn't any answers yet. I felt bad that even I couldn't tell them what was wrong with me because I hadn't the slightest idea what's wrong.

"Wh-what are you guys doing in here? Leave me here I'll be fine. I will tell you all what was wrong when I come back out to fight. Okay? You've got matches to worry about-"

"What! NO! I'm staying here with you until i find out what's wrong with you. I can't let Sting know more about your pains than I do." Laxus whispered to me.

"No! Laxus I'll be fine... Just go." I stated signaling the conversation was over. Laxus slowly released my arms and legs turned and left but not before staring at me for little while almost as if trying to talk to me with his eyes.

"Hey, Shorty you sure 'bout this?" asked Gajeel quietly. I giggled,

"Yes I'm sure, Gajeel now just go please. Fight for me."

"Sure thing shorty." Gajeel replied bending down to give me a hug.

"GOOD LUCK!" I yelled after all of them left the room, and there was nothing but silence. So I waited till someone came in to check on me, to finally tell me what's wrong.

(A/N)- Sorry for the short chapter I guess I ran out of ideas. (I don't own Fairy Tail Hiro Mashima Does!) ANywhoooo, next chapter is a click away PLeease favorite, follow, comment do something and enjoy!

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