Chapter 10- Broken Memories

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~~Laxus's POV~~

It was time for the games to start. Where is that damned girl. I was getting worried, would she be ok? Knowing Akira she might even think to jump right into battle, she's so reckless. But... that's what attracts me to her so much. I want to check on her but that's exactly what she told me not to do. I chuckle to myself for getting myself so nervous.

"Hey Laxus, you thinking about Akira aren't you?" asked Gajeel walking up to me. I blush lightly turning my head away.

"I'll take that as a yes," I sigh

"How do you... do it?" I ask

"Do what?"

"Act like you don't care about her when you know you do. Isn't she a friend to you?" I asked earning a small chuckle from him as he begins to stare at the floor.

"I don't know. I guess I just... know her to well." He replies, the floor looking even more interesting than ever.

"It just bothers me so much" I mumble to myself

"let me guess, Sting and Rogue?" asks Gajeel matter of factly.

"Yes, h-how did you know?" I ask earning a loud laugh from Gajeel

"Laxus it's all over your face when they're around her and you're not. Plus... I- I know what it feels like."

"R-really?!" i exclaim

"yeah, besides...nevermind"

"Nevermind what?" I ask

"Nothing, I... should never had said anything."

"What is it you're not telling me?!" I yell trying to resist the urge to strangle the metal headed dragon slayer.

"Promise not to tell or hurt anyone when I say this but... Akira, Sting, Rogue and I were all really generally close friends. Akira and Sting were closest, and Rogue always sort of looked up to me. Look we've known each other long time. Remember when Erza asked if Akira had friends outside of Fairy Tail? Well it was true and that was Sting, Rogue and I, well at least a while before I was in Phantom Lord, I hadn't talked to her since then. Sting, he probably still remembers. But then something happened and we all became distant, Sting and Rogue went on to become the Twin Dragon Slayers of Sabertooth, I became evil and joined Phantom Lord, and Akira she disappeared for years. Well that was until now." Gajeel concluded still staring at the floor hands nervously shoving his face with metal. I on the other hand, was paralyzed, mouth ajar and hands lay slack at my sides.

"I had no idea why didn't she tell me?"

"If you're thinking of cursing Akira out for not telling you it's probably not a good idea. It will overwhelm you and her and it's probably not best if you wanna tell her you like her at some point." He said. I laughed blushing

"Your right. Since when did you get so good with girls huh Gajeel?" I ask slyly grinning

"I- no, I just... hmm!" Gajeel stuttered.

"by any chance Gajeel when we first met... when I first met Akira did you... remember those two guys we fought outside the barn?"

"The tough bastards you called the wonder twins?" He mumbled


"...Yeah, I know them."

" ... who were they." I asked my fists clenching tighter

"Jakeel and Axel. And they're not twins. They just look really similar."

"What are they?"

Laxus x OC x Sting: The Price Of Loving YouOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant