Chapter 6- The Unexpected

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(A/N)- Hey everyone! I had to do a bit of updating on the chapters but anyways here's chapter 6 ^-^!

~~Akira's POV~

It's been seven years...Seven, since the guilds greatest members disappeared on the sacred island Tenroujima. As time passes the guild gets worse and worse losing respect and power as time passes. I was standing atop the guild hall staring at nothing in particular. When suddenly I hear small footsteps climbing up and I turn my head to see little Romeo climbing the ladder to sit with me. I reach an arm out and pull him up with one arm. Without losing balance, I was strong.

"Akira, do you think Natsu-nii and the rest are dead?" He asks in despair

"No way. Those guys are tough and I think are too stubborn to just die on us like that", I reply tickling his sides as he laughs.

"Your right Akira-san." He responds. I keep laughing and telling him adventures I had on missions by myself or with Laxus, mostly ones with Laxus.

"Hey, Akira do you love Laxus-san?" He asks with a grin on his face

"Uuuuuuuhhhhh, why would you ask that?" I respond nervously

"Well you sure do spend a lot of time with him."

"Really? I guess but I don't know..."


"W-what is it Akira"

"Someone's here"

"At the guild?" Romeo asks



"Twilight Ogre"

"Ugh not those fools again" Romeo whines

"I know"

"You need help, Akira?"

"Do i ever?"


"Thats right!" I finally say as I jump off the top of the roof, landing delicately on my feet stopping the Ogres in there tracks.

"Oh looky here, who have we here? The shapeshifting Fairy Akira. Your kinda cute aren't ya? Now move out the way so we can get our money"

"Yeah yeah, I've heard that same crap a lot, and it ends just the same. With your butts kicked."

"Try us little Fairy girl"

'THAT'S IT YOU'RE GETTING YOUR BUTTS WHOOPED!' I think to myself angrily. No one's ever called me that in a while.

I yell out racing towards them with insane speed,

"shapeshift: priority WOLF!" I yelled my nails and teeth became longer and dangerously sharp. I learned to control my powers to the point where I can pinpoint a certain place on my body to shape shift. I clawed and bit, surly they were easy to beat. I was doing good until I caught the scent of something all too familiar. But it couldn't be them. They disappeared on that island how could they be here, where are they? I ignored the unsure feeling barely avoiding a blow to the gut by doing a backflip away


"Now Akira don't tell tell me you forgot your iron man girly."

"Gajeel? No there's more"

"That's right. WHAT'S UP AKIRA AND FAIRY TAIL!!!!!"


"So are you glad or what I can't really tell" replied a gruff voice from behind

Laxus x OC x Sting: The Price Of Loving YouOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz