Chapter 1- It's Just The Beginning

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Hello everyone! :), this is my first story ever(That has been published, obviously)! So please be nice to me, I hope you guys enjoy it and if you see any grammar mistakes i'm sorry I suck with Grammar >.<) Please read, comments and leave requests regarding this story only, please! And Enjoy!

~~Akira's POV~~

Darkness...It's all just darkness. I can't see anything, where am I? Please someone help me. Wait...what's poking me? It's Hurting me, ow! it, it hurts, it hurts so badly... What, what's happening to me? My nails... no they can't be... But they're too sharp, they must be.
AHH! WHY DOES IT HURT SO BADLY?! What's happening... to me?! somebody me! Are these... Wings?! why do I have wings?! What is going on?! 

"Hush girl and you will be fine."

Huh? Who are you?

"you do not need to know yet."

What are you talking about?! of course I do Now tell me what is wrong with me

"Poor girl, she hasn't learned yet has she. Why didn't you tell her yet Master?"

Wait... Master?! Who are you talking about?!


"So you don't want to hear my voice again as in just for now or like, forever?"


"Sorry master"

What's going on?

"sigh. Don't cry little one, You'll mess up your pretty face and we both know we don't want that... Do we? No I didn't think so."

Just shut up and tell me what's happening to me and then... Get out of my head!
The voice Chuckled and said,"
Don't worry darling, you will learn soon enough what is happening to you, and if you don't then only then will I reveal myself to you."
What?! No I need you to tell me now!


Please tell me!


Please I'm in so much pain you don't understand I beg of you please tell me!
Although I couldn't see his face I could tell that made him grin and he chuckled again.

"Your quite interesting my darling, how about I get a closer look at you and maybe then I could help you, But you have to agree to one thing," he grinned again.

W-what is it?


               Who ever it was that was talking vanished. I thought I was free to leave and escape the horror of it all. Except I had failed to realize one thing... He wouldn't let me leave... not until he was finished, until he got what he wanted. I lunged forward desperately trying to escape, but he had my leg and he harshly pulled on it. Dragging me backwards to my original spot he reached down and grabbed my neck squeezing ever so tightly I felt that my head might explode. Then he relaxed his hand a bit, He didn't release, he just relaxed the force behind his grasp. Just enough for me to breathe. I didn't realize my eyes had been closed until he told me,

"It's okay my darling, you can look at me. I'm not the monster you think I am"

            Slowly I opened my eyes and I was met with... Burning red eyes and slit pupils harshly illuminating my face in the dark, his mouth twisted into a demonic grin with canines sharp and pointed. He could have eaten me just then. His full face wasn't visible in the dark as his long mane of silk, jet, black hair covered most of his face. His pointed ears slightly visible through his hair with small piercings in one ear. I was paralyzed, frightened, and for some reason the feeling felt familiar. As I was thinking all this I hadn't realized that he had tied me up and was beginning to examine me until my bare skin was met with the sharp leather of his tail. I cried out in pain and begged him to stop... But he wouldn't unless I did as he said.

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