39. Mysteries Unfolded

Start from the beginning

"Barely. Only time you really listen is when I'm threatening to leave you or if I'm crying. It shouldn't have to take all of that." The stress was in her voice plain as day. He could hear it.

He sighed. "Okay, I'm sorry. I will work on that for you. What's next?"

Aaliyah stared into space for a moment. She never wanted to have to talk about the things that happened while he was away but now was the time that he knew what happened and how his response to her made her feel during that time. "Li." Laurent said putting his hand on her thigh.

She snapped out of it and looked at him quickly. "Uhm.. When I was pregnant," she paused.

"Don't tell me you cheated on me or something while I was away..." He looked up at her, face so emotionless. He never wanted to hear those words come from her.

She gave a confused look and raised her eyebrows. "No, I didn't cheat on you. How many times do I have to tell you I'm not like that." She rolled her eyes.

"It's my worst fear next to you leaving me and taking my baby with you." He confessed with a shrug.

She rolled her eyes again. "More likely to take the baby than to cheat on you," she said under her breath.

"What you say?"

"Anyways, during my pregnancy I had a lot of complications especially when you were gone." She started. He tensed up and the emotion in his face came back. He was confused. "I was constantly in the hospital. The one time I wasn't was right before I gave birth."

"Why didn't you tell me? I would have came home for you." He said grabbing her hand.

"I tried. You were ignoring me or something. I started calling Larry and asking him to put you on the phone and you still wouldn't talk to me."

It was coming together now. The twins were flying all over the world, in clubs, at parties, meeting all types of people. They brought their friends along too, so not only was he working, he was having fun and wasn't paying attention to his actual life priorities. He knew he was wrong for waving her off and saying he'll call her later and even then never calling her back but he never knew it was serious.

Laurent was standing in the middle of all his friends, dancing around and rapping the lyrics to a few songs in the club 15 minutes before they all decided they wanted to head back to their hotel. It was one of the most fun nights the twins have ever had in London. They were walking towards a food place that was open late when Larry's phone started buzzing.

He glanced at his phone kind of confused because it was Aaliyah. "Hello?"

"Larry, where's your brother? He's not answering his phone." Aaliyah said sounding really stressed out.

"Lau." Larry called to his brother holding his phone put to him. Laurent glanced at his twin then waved his hand away. "Lau! It's Aaliyah, she need to talk to you right now."

"Tell her I'll call her later. My phone died." Laurent responded blandly. Larry shook his head and put the phone back up to his ear.

"It's about the baby.. I really need to talk to him."

"Laurent! C'est sérieux! Parle lui.(it's serious! Talk to her)" Larry said getting angry at his brother. Laurent still didn't care. Or at least that's how he was acting. Larry wasn't putting up with it but they were in public so he couldn't lash out on his brother like he wanted to.

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