❦ Chapter 43 - Closure

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It wasn't long until I finally left the hospital and was back home.

This cast on my arm is a complete nuisance. I'm having trouble even playing keys on the piano most of the time, even taking showers is annoying with this thing!

I get all antsy not being able to pick up my violin or play the cello.

Mystic Blood will be on hold until I have fully recovered.

I've also returned to school where everyone has welcomed me back.

My dad and Alice also begun to plan their wedding before my dad's tour and are deciding to have it next month before my dad leaves on tour.

Today was a Saturday but I can't say it was going to be a happy one unfortunately.

It was my biological mother's funeral today.

Uncle Andy managed to arrange a private funeral for her, and my father was on board with it.

I finished brushing my hair at my vanity set as I looked in the mirror.

I wore an silk black dress that reached around my knees, black ballet flats, and a black kimono shawl to cover my cast a little and make myself look more presentable, my hair combed to the side and make up done light.

I sighed as I looked down.

Despite her drug influence, I still wish I had a chance to know her properly and not under those circumstances.

I can't spend the rest of my life having ill thoughts over her. 

I feel like this could also be closure for my father.

There was a knock at the door and I turn to see it was Alice, wearing an elegant dress with lace sleeves.

"Hi... You ready?" She asked.

I nodded. "Mhmm."

She nodded as she walked over to me. "This is a good thing you're doing for your mother... You have a good heart, Melody."

I smiled sadly. "I still wish I had gotten to know her a bit better... Or that she had survived," I said.

Alice gave me a sad look. "I'm sure she never had ill thoughts towards you before. She took a lot of drugs, her mind must not have always been in the right place... I'm sure deep down, you had a place in her heart..."

I smiled and looked down, holding back tears. "I hope so... Thank you..."

She smiled as we hugged each other. 

"You'll be a wonderful mother, Alice," I smiled.

She chuckled. "You think?"

"Honest. You are kind and so caring. I mean.... I'm nothing to you, yet you've treated me so nicely since we've met," I said.

"Because why would I be like one of those cruel girlfriends who treat the daughters of their partner so harshly? Especially when the daughter is probably the kindest most talented, polite and lovely girl I've ever met," Alice smiled.

I smiled bashfully. "I'm glad you're going to marry my father, and.... I do already have your wedding gift," I said.

"Really? You shouldn't have," she said with a small laugh. "What is it?"

"Not yet," I said. "On your wedding day."

She chuckled softly. "Alright."

Soon there was a knock at the door and we turned to see Uncle Jake there, dressed in a black suit.

The Violinist's Joy (Daughter of Jeremey ''Jinxx'' Ferguson)Where stories live. Discover now