❦ Chapter 40 - Reunited

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The car skid to a stop near the police cruisers.

The moment Alice heard we had a location she made Jake drive her to the station where me, Alice, Ashley, Jake and Inna all went to see if it was true while everyone else let the search parties know the news.

The other cars quickly skid to a stop near us as me and Alice got out of the cars.

SWAT team, FBI, police, ambulance, and a whole bunch of onlookers and vehicles surrounded the pier

"MELODY!!!" I shouted as me and Alice climbed out and we hurried into the crime scene.

"MELODY!!!" Alice screamed out as we looked around.

Some men were lying face down on the ground in handcuffs while armed SWAT teams watched over them.

Not far awat were a bunch of young girls and even boys near police officers in shock blankets as police talked with them.

Trafficking victims.... There must have been rings hidden around here.....

"JINXX!!" I heard Jake shout and turn to see him pointing at an ambulance.

I looked and then spotted Detective Fletcher waving us over by an ambulance.

We rushed over and I almost stopped when I noticed something being loaded into what looked like a coroner's van.

A body.... Someone died tonight...

I bushed it off quickly and hurried towards the ambulance as I continued to run.

Relief flooded me as I saw a familiar petite figure laying in the ambulance gurney.

"MELODY!!!" Alice and I exclaimed as we rushed over to her as a paramedic took her blood pressure, seeing Melody's eyes were closed and she was covered in cuts and bruises, her right hand wrapped in gauze and an oxygen mask over her face.

Her blue eyes slowly opened and Melody smiled tiredly at me.

"Father," she murmured at me as I held her hand and leaned over and hugged her tightly.

"Oh, god, Mel, thank goodness," I said, holding her close, kissing her head as Alice held her good hand.

"Is she alright?" Alice asked the paramedic.

"Melody fainted when we found her," Detective Fletcher said.

"She was just a bit overwhelmed, and she has a broken wrist, too. We'll be taking her to get her injuries examined and treated though, and to check to see if there isn't any serious damage aside from the break, just to be sure," the paramedic said as they lifted Melody's gurney into the back of the ambulance.

"I'm going with her," I said as I climbed in with her.

"Me, too," Alice said.

"I'll have someone come by for your car then," the detective said as me and him helped Alice into the ambulance and another paramedic climbed in before we took off.

I felt tears fall down my face as I held my daughter close as best as I can, a paramedic adjusting her IV bag.

"I'm so glad you're safe," I murmured against the top of her head.

She smiled up at me before slowly drifting to sleep.


We all waited at my house for any news.

They told us they had a possible location and went to see.

"Its taking way too long," Evan said anxiously.

"Patience. They're probably just searching the area," Andy said as we waited.

That's when my mom's phone rang and she answered as we quickly shot up.

"Hello...... Yes.... Oh thank god," She said with relief as she hung up. "They found her, she's safe!"

Everyone burst out into relieved sighs and cheers.

"They're taking her to the hospital now," Tahlia's mom said.

"To the cars, let's go!!" CC shouted as everyone ran out the house to the cars and pulling out, speeding to the hospital.


"That over there is Raymond Santana," Detective Fletcher said. "Mastermind of the entire operation."

"Hope he rots," Ashley said as we watched him get stuffed into a cruiser.

"I noticed a coroner's truck as we came over here," Inna said. "Were there deaths?"

"Only one death, a couple people injured, including Melody," Detective Fletcher said. "All of them are being taken care of now."

"Who is dead?" I asked curiously.

"Victoria Hayes," Detective Fletcher said.

We all froze on the spot.

Melody's biological mother..... Is dead??

"B-But...." Ashley said. "She called, and..."

"According to one of Raymond's men, they thought she helped Melody escape, and Raymond fatally shot her. Thats when Melody ran off and made it out of the warehouse," Detective Fletcher said. "Checked her phone, saw the last number she dialled was 911."

"Oh my god," Inna said as we watched the coroner's truck drive away.

"I'll go to the hospital later on and tell Jeremy," He said.

"We'll be going there right now," I said. "We'll tell him."

He nodded as we headed out, Ashley driving Jinxx's car.

At least Melody is reunited with her family now, and she's safe.


Hope everyone is enjoying the story so far!! 🏵

🎧 Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Adele "Send my Love
(To Your New Lover)"

♡~ sapphire.

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