❦ Chapter 26 - Waking Up

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I groaned as a dim light shone on me and I opened my eyes to see I was in some strange room.

I frowned and looked around, being met with a large variety of flowers, candy, and stuffed animals.

I then noticed all around me was my family, sleeping soundly, my father and Alice right at my side.

I sat up and notice my arm wrapped up in bandaged.

Curious, I picked at it and unwrapped it, revealing a dark red blotchy area mixed with some bruise colors around 2 dark red spots at the base of my index finger.

That's when I remembered what happened.

How funny.... I always had a fascination for spiders, and who would have known I'm allergic to their bites. Not even I knew that.

I frowned at the injury, then realized I was a little hungry and sighed.

I looked over at everyone.

They look so tired.... How long have they been here?..... I should let them sleep a little more and find a nurse....

I sat up and carefully climbed out of bed, being careful not to step on Uncle Chuppy who was asleep on the floor with Miss Tiffany, who was asleep against the wall with his head on her lap.

I noticed I was connected to an IV bag, and stood up, holding on to the machine.

This hospital gown is very big on me.

I quietly walk out and look around, seeing the hallway wasn't too occupied and spotted the nurses station.

I exit my room and quietly make my way towards it, rolling the strange machine with me.

My legs felt stiff so it was a bit of a challenge to walk. My guess is the venom is taking some time to leave my body. I'm also feeling drowsy and a little warm.

I soon arrived, seeing a middle aged woman at the computer, who seemed focused one what she was doing.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" I asked.

She looked over at me and seemed a little surprised.

"Oh, you're awake," she said. "You should be resting, dear, what are you doing out of bed?"

"Forgive me, ma'am, but I'm a bit hungry, and was wondering if I can have something to eat, please?"

"Well, sure, but... Is your family awake?" she asked.

"No, ma'am. I didn't want to disturb them," I said.

"Well, alright, but next time its best to advise them before they wake up and get worried," she said. "I'll call to have a meal delivered to you. Come, I'll walk you to your room."

"Alright, but... I did want to have some fresh air for a while.... If its not too much to ask," she said.

"I'm sorry, dear. Its already late," she said. "I know, being in a hospital can be overwhelming," she sighed as she offered me my hand and we walked down the hall. "Hell, I've been working here 13 years and it still gets stuffy here."

"I can imagine. These surroundings are very gloomy and sterile," I said as we walked.

"Yeah, they are," she smiled in agreement. "You seem very bright and polite, you know."

"Thank you, ma'am. I get told that a lot," I said with a soft laugh as we returned to my room and she moved my IV machine for me as I sat back on my bed.

We then heard a groan as we turned to see Alice had woken up and looked over.

"Melody," she sighed with relief as she got up, which woke up my father and they both walked over to my side.

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