❦ Chapter 22 - Show Time

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Super long chapter, but there will also be a bit of a surprise in this chapter. See if you can spot it! 😉



Its finally the day of the show.

After a lot of rehearsal and practice, we are all ready.

This morning I ate breakfast while Alice made some coffee. Miss Inna had stayed over to keep us company as she sat by me, Mao sitting by my feet with Oscar waiting for scraps to eat.

Soon her phone beeped and she looked at it.

"Oh, Jeremy's wants to FaceTime,"She smiled as I walked over.

I dabbed the corner of my mouth with my napkin as she sat between me and Inna and she answered, my father's face appearing on her phone screen.

"Hey, there are my two favorite girls," he smiled.

"Nice to know I'm appreciated, Jinxx," Inna laughed as she sipped her coffee.

"Haha, love ya too, Inna," he laughed.

"How are you?" Alice smiled.

"Doing great. On our way to the airport right now," He said.

"I miss you, Father," I said.

"I miss you, too, sweetheart. Don't worry, we'll be there really soon to see you perform," he said.

I smiled as Jake and CC then popped up, swishing my father between them.

"Heeeyyy Mini Jinxx! Ready to kick ass?!" CC laughed as my father tried to push him off.

"Hey babe!!" Jake said to Inna.

"Hey, get off, I'm talking with my family!!" My father shouted, and the three of us laughed at them.

"Hey, Mini Jinxx!" Mister Andy said as he suddenly popped up. "Don't feel nervous. Just use your father's hypno-trance thing he does when he plays and forget there's even an audience!"

"Its not a hypno-trance thing, its just concentration, get off me!!" my father argued.

"I'll be sure to impress the crowd," I smiled.

"Make us proud, kiddo!" I heard Mister Ashley shout from the background.

"Alright, alright, no squishing my boyfriend!" Alice laughed.

"Honestly!!" Father shouted.

I laughed as he finally got everyone off him.

"Though irritable, they are right. No need to be nervous, sweetie. You're gonna do great," He assured. "If you do get scared, its simple. Pretend the audience isn't there. You're in your own world."

"That sounds very assuring. Thank you, Father," I smiled.

"You know, little missy, you always say father," he chuckled.

"Yeah, why not call him Dad?" I hear Mister CC

"Well, you are my father, and it sounds a bit more polite," I shrugged.

"She's not wrong," Mister Jake shrugged.

"Hehe, alright, I actually kind of like the ring it has," Father laughed.

"Alright, but if he gets to be 'Father' then I get to be 'Uncle Chuppy!' Deal?" Mister CC asked.

I giggled. "Deal."

The Violinist's Joy (Daughter of Jeremey ''Jinxx'' Ferguson)Where stories live. Discover now