❦ Chapter 24 - Bites

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Warning: If you are arachnophobic (fear of spiders), PLEASE proceed with caution.



That same night I had dinner with my friends and it was really fun. After that, my father was still there and we all had a movie night together.

There was, however, a strange talk about an airport shuttle bus being stolen?

I didn't really pry.

The next day, my father had to leave to continue what was left of the tour and now, weeks later, tour came to a close and now they'll be back today.

We were currently in our house while the girls visited and even bought their pets to make the welcome more happy.

Right now I finished cleaning the living room a little while Alice and Tiffany cooked dinner, Inna helped organize some stuff  for us, and Juliet was texting at the kitchen table.

I was about to sit down to watch television, Mao approaching me to cuddle, when I notice Sasha growling at something nearby on the ground.

"Sasha? What's wrong, girl?" I asked as then Crow looked over and hissed at whatever Sasha was growling at.

I got up and walked over, moving them aside to see and looked over, gasping.

There on the ground, near the leg of the table, was a strange looking spider I have never seen before.

It was a very small black spider with a strange red figure on its back, and curved legs.

It was a very small black spider with a strange red figure on its back, and curved legs

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(Picture: Black Widow Spider 🕷)

"You're an odd looking little fellow," I said as observed it.

Crow hissed again and I shushed him, calming him down a little as I pet him before focusing on the strange spider.

"I should probably take you outside where you'll be safe, Come here," I said, kneeling down and putting my hand out to it when....

"AHH!!"  I yelped and drew my hand back as I fell back in shock, my foot accidentally crushing the spider as I fell back, Crow meowing out loudly before taking off somewhere.

It.... It bit me!!

I looked at my hand to see the strange little red dots on my finger.

"That hurt...." I frowned as I stood up and looked at the spider.

"Melody, are you alright?" I heard Alice call out.

"I-I'm fine," I called out as Sasha looked up at me before she began to whimper nervously.

"I-I'm alright, it.... I'm sure its just like a bee or wasp sting," I said still surprised by what happened.

She still whimpered and nudged and me before taking off in direction to the kitchen, making me turn to see Ernie and Mao looking in my direction, Daredevil staring off into space next to Ernie.

"It hurts now, but I'm sure it'll go away after a while... Let me just wash it..." I said, and walked towards the nearby bathroom.

I put my finger under running water when I suddenly started to feel dizzy and was seeing double.

"W-What's happening?" I wondered as then Miss Inna walked by and noticed me.

"Melody? Are you alright? What happened?" She asked, walking towards me.

"A-A spider, it.... It...." I said as my vision began to fade.

"MELODY!!" I heard Inna scream as I felt myself fall and everything went dark.



The bus skid to a stop in front of the hospital and the five of us ran out towards the ER doors, where we immediately saw the girls standing around, looking worried and Alice in tears.

"Alice! Girls!" I called out as we ran up to them. "What happened?! What's going on!?"

"M-Melody, s-she looked so bad when the ambulance came," Alice sobbed as Inna comforted her.

"They won't tell us anything, even though Alice is a legal guardian," Juliet said, looking on edge. "But it did not look good at all."

I rushed over to the nurse station.
"Hi, I'm Jeremy Ferguson, my daughter Melody was brought in, I need to know if she's okay," I said urgently.

"One moment," she nodded and picked up the phone, dialing something as we waited.

"What could have happened?" CC asked worriedly.

"I don't know, but it has Alice all freaked out, even Juliet looked uneasy," Jake said.

Soon a doctor arrived and walked up to us.

"Jeremy Ferguson?" He asked.

"That's me. I'm Melody Ferguson's father. Please, tell me what happened," I begged.

"I'm afraid to say that Melody sustained a bite from a black widow spider," the doctor said.

"Oh god," Ashley mumbled.

"B-But s-she's going to be okay, right?" I asked.

He looked gravely at me before pursing his lips.

"Mister Ferguson, were you aware that Melody is severely allergic to spider bites?" He asked.

I froze in my spot.

"Wait..... what?" I asked.

"From the way she was reacting, and after some tests found out she's allergic to a certain bacterium only found in spider bites. Her medical records never stated that," he said.

"She spent her whole life in a foster home, I didn't even know," I said.

"I understand," he said.

"But... But she is gonna be okay, right??" Jake asked again for me.

He doctor answered hesitantly. "We're doing all we can to help Melody. Stay hopeful. She's starting to respond well with the antidote for the spider venom. That's a good sign."

I let out a nervous breath as the girls walked up.

"Can we see her now, please?" Alice asked.

"Yes, but I can only allow two at a time," the doctor said.

You two go, we'll wait out here," Ashley said to me and Alice.

"You sure?" Alice asked.

"Of course. She's your daughter after all," Andy said. "Go, its okay."

Alice and I looked at each other before nodding and following the doctor.

Melody, please be okay...


Kind of short but I felt it was time to maybe start adding some suspense and stuff, and I figured adding some irony would make it even more shocking-ish.

Hope you're all enjoying the story!⚘

🎧Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Campsite Dream
"Beautiful Mistake"

♡~ sapphire.

The Violinist's Joy (Daughter of Jeremey ''Jinxx'' Ferguson)Where stories live. Discover now