Chapter 31

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Aliyah's POV

I'm glad that I get to spend my last night with Harry at a party. Harry didn't really tell me in much detail about it but I. Sure it will be fun. I was told to invite my friends since they are basically dating the rest of the boys which I find really weird, but it's not my decision who they date. Except Aria she is always staring a t Harry. Sometimes I think she has a crush on him.

I sent a text to Jada, Sophia, Perrie, Eleanor, and Aria.

*hey guys just wanted to ask you if you wanted to come to a party tonight for the boys last night here. Bye see you there*

Hopefully they go so I'll have more than just the boys to hang out with. What was I going to wear? Probably a dress. I will just wear the peach dress I'm wearing now without the cardigan and tan heels. Sounds good enough. I'll also curl my hair. Not to fancy. Just nice.

"Harry!" Where did he go? Five seconds ago he was standing right next to me. Now he's no where to be seen.

"Seriously! I'm not playing!" I've looked everywhere. His car is still here and so is mine so he didn't leave. Unless he walked, but I didn't even hear the door open so. I ran up to my room one more time.

Still not there. I give up. I plopped on my bed. The girls all texted me back saying they were going. Yes!

If Harry wasn't going to come out I was going to make him. I shouldn't do this but I have to he's making me nervous.

"HARRY HELP ME, PLEASE!" I screamed. He came rushing through the door and pulling my close to him. I laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" He's oblivious.

"Because I'm fine I just wanted you to come out. I wasn't in the mood for hide and seek."

"I was in the bathroom," oops maybe I didn't look everywhere. At least he's here now.

"Oh," I answer slightly embarrassed.

"Don't ever do that again, you had my scared to death." Why is he so mad. He's over exaggerating something that wasn't that big of a deal.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to find you or sooner or later it would of been real!" Was I yelling? If I was it wasn't intentional. He's just making me mad.

"Stop yelling at me!"

I'm yelling at you? Your the one who got mad at me first of all.

"Your the one who got mad at me!" I don't want to fight with Harry. Not now. Not at all. No fight ever ends well.

Instead of talking to end it I just got up and walked straight out slamming the door behind me. I ran to the loft that was above my moms closet. I used to go in it all the time when I needed to think. We had one in my old house too. This was was gross though. There were cob webs and dust on the floors and walls.

Hugging my knees I cried. Curse my temper. Why am I so emotional? I cry all the fucking time and it probably annoys people.

Harry's POV

I can't believe that just happened. For once everything was going so well.

For fucking once!

But no I had to ruin it. Watching her storm out of the room like that was hell. She was so mad, so upset. All I could think about was her face when she walked away. Her eyebrows were crinkled and I could see the water in her eyes. She doesn't deserve to be yelled at. Not with what she's been through. She's brave for holding on this long. I would of given up a while ago. She could of chosen too but she didn't. Aliyah is incredibly brave. And I love her for that.

Always have, always will.

I've waited an hour and she still hasn't come back. Where did she go. I she's still in the house the front door hasn't opened. Except for when her mom left.

"ALIYAH!" I walk out of her room into the hallway.

"WHERE ARE YOU! PLEASE ANSWER ME!" She has to be in this house somewhere. She can't just magically disappear.

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