Chapter 18

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Aliyah's POV

"Go away! I said I wasn't in the mood!" I yell as my door creeps open. Then a familiar voice repeats in my head.

"Yo sure you want to do that?" The voice asks, I look up from under the covers and notice Harry standing there. I immediately run up to him as he opens his arms for me and I hug him tighter than I ever have before and break down into tears. I thought he said he wasn't coming and now he is here standing in my bedroom. I'm so confused yet happy. I smile.

"Surprise!" He says making my smile grow, putting a smile on his face as well. I've missed that smile of his.

"I thought you said you weren't coming?"

"I know I did."

"Then why are you here?" He really isn't making any sense right now. I know I should be mad at him, he put me through hell and back, but I love him too much to yell at him right now I just want to enjoy the moment with him right now.

"I called your mom and told her to tell you I wasn't coming, she knew I was I was trying to surprise you but I didn't think you would get this upset I'm so sorry. I love you." He sighs looking to the ground. I lift his chin back up and look into his eyes.

"I was upset but seeing you brought me back to life. And I couldn't thank you more. I love you Harry." He leans in and kisses me. Oh how I've missed this. After a while I pull back and smile ya him. I let go of him and sit on the edge of my bed hitting the spot next to me signaling him to sit next to me. He plops down next to me putting his hand on my thigh.

"Where are the rest of the boys?" I ask.

"They are down stairs with your mom, I hope you don't mind." I really didn't mind but I look like crap and probably should get ready. I nod and take my hair out of the point tail letting the waves in my long hair fall over my shoulders.

"I'm going to get ready and then I'll be back down stairs okay?" I ask and he nods and walks out the door closing it behind him. I go to my closet and put on a pair of skinny jeans and I powdered blue tank top with a razor back. It is sort of flowy and has lace around the bottom of it. I grab a pair of white flip flops and apply light makeup. Once I finish that I wrap my bag around me and head downstairs.

"So what are we doing today?" I ask and everybody stares at me.

"What? Is something wrong?" Why were they all looking at me it's not like I just came back from the dead. We'll not literally at least but still. Harry and my mom were the only ones that had seen me in my so called "zombie" state. I had lost about five pounds from not eating in a week and I think you could notice.

"You look beautiful." Harry smiles and I smile back at him lightly kissing his cheek making him blush.

"Hi Aliyah long time no see." Niall says giving me a friendly hug. I politely hug him back.

"You too, how have you guys been?" It's been a while since I've seen them. I've always only been with Harry.

"Good, you?" they ask in unison. I couldn't lie but I did anyway.

"Ok,I guess." I say nervously. My mom rolls her eyes at my lie.

"You guys should all go out to lunch. Aliyah hasn't eaten anything in a week!" I frown at my moms words. They are going to think something, but I was only not eating because I was too sad.

"Aliyah, how come you didn't say anything to me about this?" Harry asks very curiously.

"I'm fine, really, I was just to sad to eat. I'm okay now, don't worry about it where should we go?" I try to change the subject.

"Okay...I think we should go to Applebee's or something. Sound good?" Harry asks. We all nod but Niall who seems to not like that idea.

"No, no, no I think we should go to Nandos!" Niall smiles. What even is Nandos.

"Niall there is not a Nandos here!" Liam tells him making him frown.

"Aww really? I guess Applebee's is okay, let's go now though I'm starving!" Niall whines. I give my mom a quick hug and kiss on the cheek before Harry grabs my hand intertwining our fingers bringing me to their bus. I have never been on a tour bus before, but this one was pretty nice I have to admit.

(Ok this is going to sound really stupid but thank you so much for 200 reads like I didn't think it would get that many! Thank you all. My goal is to get 2k since I got that many on my last book that was deleted sorry to those of you who read it. Lol. Anyway please vote and comment if I get enough comments I will try to answer them and I will read all of them I would love to hear (read) what you guys have to say. Oh and when this is finished there will probably be a sequel! But not for a while. This one will probably be 100 chapters. Ok well bye! Ily<3)

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