Chapter 39

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Aliyah's POV

All of the balloons, the lights, everything seemed to match my dress. How would Harry know the color scheme though. He didn't plan the party. Did he? I wish I knew what was going on. But sadly I don't.

"Harry..why does everything seem to match me?" Everyone else was wearing black with a purple accent. I was the opposite.

"Ahh. I see someone is paying attention." He smirks.

"It's not that hard to tell that I stand out just a bit."

"You mean a lot." He laughs and I stick my tongue out at him. Before I can ask him what's really going on my friends walk up behind us and Jada taps me lightly on the shoulder. Just as I thought they are all wearing black with purple accents. I glare at Harry. He laughs.

"Aliyah you look really pretty!" Perrie compliments me. I thank her telling her the same.

"You all look very stunning tonight." I smile. It never hurts to be nice.

(Listen to dead in the water by Ellie Goulding at this part)

The lights dim and everyone turns to the stage. I hear music start to play. A young girl walks onto the stage. I gasp realizing who it is. I can feel the water in my eyes. Harry did plan this party. It was a party for me. I look up at him with wide eyes.

"Thank you Harry, for everything you've done for me." I wrap my arms around him. He kisses the top of my head lightly. Everyone starts dancing including the rest of the boys and my friends. As much as I would love to dance with Harry I want to stay like this forever. In his arms. With all the stuff that has happened to me over the last few months I'm glad I have him.

"Hi everyone." Ellie announces. Everyone cheers.

"I would like to invite a special girl up to the stage. Whose story has touched my heart." Harry told her. She didn't say anything about it so I walk up to the stage anyway. Harry cheers, then the boys, my friends, and soon everyone else in the building. My hands cover my mouth in surprise and I am given a friendly hug from Ellie. I've met her before but this time seems so much better than the first. My friends and the boys are invited up to the stage as well. Each of them gives me a hug and they line up on the other side of me.

What is going on?

Harry is given the microphone first.

"We all just wanted to say a couple of things to Aliyah because we all know that she has been through a lot the last couple of months. You are an amazing girl Aliyah and I'm glad I bumped into you when I did. You mean the world to me and I wouldn't change a thing about you. I love you." I run into his arms wrapping my hands around his neck. He kisses me gently. Everyone claps before Niall and the rest of the boys say something.

I give each of them another hug and they stand by Harry. Jada is next.

"Aliyah you have been my best friend for a long time and I'm glad I got to see you again after I moved. You are a really strong girl and I'm glad I was able to be here for you." I give her a hug as well.

Perrie say a few words as well as Eleanor. I thank both of them and give them each a hug before they go stand next to the others. The only person left is Aria and I haven't known her that long but she is my friend I think.

"As all of you know Aliyah went through something terrible." If she says what happened I swear to god.

"But not all of you know what that terrible thing is." She smiles an evil smile. Harry steps in.

"Aria don't" He yells stepping in front of me blocking me from her.

"You shut up!" Everyone gasps. I cling onto Harry's arm.

"But instead of telling you all what happened why don't I just show you."

The lights all turn off and Harry is pulled away from me. I try to search around the stage for someone anyone but there is no one they have all been pulled away.

A spotlight is put on a man walking up the stage. He is much more stronger than the other man. Maybe even stronger than Harry.

He wraps his arms around my mouth. I try to break for his grip but he is to strong. I can feel my heart beating fast.

"Harry! Please help me!" I can hear home from a distance someone is holding him back.

"Let me go! You people are going to kill her!" He yells. No one does anything.

The guy throws me to the ground and starts to kick and punch me. He pins my arms to the ground.

"Your not going anywhere." He growls. He whispers the most fowl things into my ear and I start loosing my vision. I can't breathe anymore. My eyes close. Goodbye Harry. I whisper to myself.

Harry's POV

The lights turn back on and the police come in. I run to Aliyah and lift her onto my lap. She's gone. She still has a small heartbeat but it will fade before anyone can save her. An ambulance takes her to the hospital and I am left here with nothing.

I'm not saying everyone deserves what ever they want. But I want her, I need her. If I could give her the ability to see her through my eyes she would then see how important she is to me. What ever it was the brought us together I'm glad it did. Because without her I wouldn't be as happy as I am when I am with her. My days don't start until I see her, I smile when she smiles, and I love her with all that I have. Yes I am part of the biggest boyband in the world but she will always be the one I go to. The one that I know will never give up on me and I will never give up on her.

(Sorry for the long waits. I will try to update more I just have a lot of school work and I'm studying for finals so I'll try to update more I hope you like it! Love you xx)

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