Chapter 26

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Aliyah's POV

When I woke up Harry was next to me. He stayed there all night after my night mare?

His eyes fluttered open. "Good morning beautiful."

"Someone's in a good mood today" I laugh.

"No, I just thought I'd let you know how beautiful you are." He smirked.

"Oh so your not in a good mood." I jokingly snap.

"That's not what I said." He said his tone deep.

"Ok, didn't mean to push your buttons." I say lightly nudging him. Today was his last day until he has to go back on tour. My eyes geared up at the thought of him not being there when I woke up, or when I needed him to calm me down. What was I going to do?

"You okay?" He asked. I turned away.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I try to wipe the tears away without him seeing, but he already has.

"Aliyah, look at me." I slowly turned my head to face him.

"I'm going to fix this. I'll make it stop. No more nightmares, no more break downs." I sniffle and wipe the tears that have fallen again.

"How, your leaving?"

"We are going to today." I nod. I'm actually scared to go to that doctor again. Even though I'm with Harry this time I don't like the idea, but if it's the only way to stop these mental breakdowns I'll do it. It won't be easy but I can try.

I get ready, applying light makeup and keeping the same leggings I wore to bed on but throwing in one of my own t-shirts giving Harry his. He grabs my hand and we walk out the his car. The rest of the boys are out with their "girlfriends" I guess you can call them now. I'm not really sure what to call them.

I step into the passenger side of the car and Harry starts the ignition. The drive is long and silent. Both of us don't know what is going to happen. It could go very well or very badly. I'm hoping it will go well and I will be able to do things without Harry.

When we finally arrive at the doctors office we sign in and sit patiently for the doctor to call us in. Harry puts his hand on my thigh.

"You can do this. Okay?" He assures me.

"Okay." I answer as the doctor calls my name signaling for me and Harry to go I to the room where me and my mom went. I get hooked up to all these different wires again and Harry is forced to wait in a booth outside of the room where he can still see in. I start walking around. My heart beat speeds up. I suddenly feel hands around my mouth pulling me somewhere. I'm un aware of where I am. I start to loose my breath. I loose my vision. I try to yell for Harry but the words don't come out of my mouth. I can't breath. Everything is peaceful. I begin to see Harry and I together this morning laughing, us sitting together on my couch the first time we hung out. All of our memories together.

Harry's POV

In the booth I almost want to smash the glass down and go save her but they held me back. We watched the heart rate monitor start to increase. It was going way to fast. The doctors started to tell the man who was pretending to kidnap her to stop or she would die. I started to freak out. I watched her body fall to the floor. It wasn't ending like this. I ran into her. She wouldn't speak. No matter what I did.

The doctors came in with a stretcher, and took her away. If this is the last time I would ever see her I font want to live with my self. Knowing that she isn't there is like no having fresh air. Not being able to breath. Like your drowning and no one can save you.

(Hopefully you are all enjoying this fanfic. I'm working so hard on it and I hope you guys like it bye)

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