Chapter 57

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My phone vibrates on the night stand next to me. I look at the screen to see who it's from. Perrie?

*hey how are you?*

I look next to me, Harry is fast asleep.

*good, thanks for asking:)*

She answers not to long after.

*Have you talked to Zayn in awhile?*

What do I tell her?

*Uhh yeah he met another girl...I don't think it's anything serious though, I can talk to him for you*

I feel so bad for Perrie. They were so good together. I saw the way Zayn looked at her, he doesn't look at anyone the same.

*Thank you Aliyah, just text me when you hear from him*

I set my phone back on the night stand and move from Harry getting out of the bed. Shutting the door behind me I quietly walk over to Zayn's room. I can hear his music so I know he isn't sleeping. I knock.

"Come in," He says. I hesitate before opening the door.

"Zayn?" I say, he looks up at me.

"Aliyah, I wouldn't think that it would be you," he smiles.

"Uhh, yeah can we talk.." I don't really talk to Zayn very much. This is probably the first time.

He nods, gesturing for me to sit next to him.

"Perrie texted me."

"Really?" His eyes are bright and wide.

"Yeah she asked about you, she thinks you to are still dating.." He looks down at his feet and back up at me. He takes a deep breath before answering.

"I need to text her, I do miss her, terribly." He tells me. Zayn and me continue talking for another hour about what he should do with Delilah. He says that she is really nice and he likes her just not like he likes Perrie, and I agree with him. It felt nice talking to Zayn. I love Harry, gosh do I love him but it was nice being able to talk to someone else about their problems instead of my own. Zayn told me that I helped him in making a decision on what he should do. I actually laughed while we were talking.

I stand to walk out, and feel a hand pull my arm.

"Thank you Aliyah," he says "for telling me that Perrie texted you, it means a lot," I nod and smile before walking back to Harry's room. Before I walk inside I hear Zayn on the phone. I hope it's Perrie.

I hear him say her name and smile. He made the right choice on choosing her. Delilah will just be another close friend like I am to Zayn. I guess talking to Zayn about this gave me a new perspective on things. He may have met a new girl and thought he really liked her like I met Cameron. I thought I really liked him, but I always went back to Harry because it was Harry I first saw. Look where I am now. I, like Zayn, made the right choice. Harry was made for me, just as Perrie was made for Zayn. In a way our two relationships are similar, yet they both have their differences. I never once thought I would end up with Cameron. I always knew that it would be Harry, it will always be Harry. And going to England with Harry is my way of showing him that I'll always be there. I think my point I'm trying to make to myself is that by talking to Zayn about Perrie showed me how much Harry is to me.

I lay back down in bed with Harry resting my head on his chest. He wakes up.

"Where did you go?" He asks.

"I was talking to Zayn. Girl stuff," I say and he laughs.

"Girl stuff?"

"Perrie texted me,"

"Oh." He replies.

"So England, is it warm there?" I laugh at my own words.

"During the summer." Harry answers. We both laugh, until I eventually fall asleep in his arms.

How did I get here?

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