Chapter 40

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Aliyah's POV

When I wake up I am not in my room. I'm not in Harry's room either. Harry. Is he here? I hope he is. He might not be either. He didn't even try and stop him. I could hear him but I know Harry he is strong he could of gotten away. Maybe he did though. He could of tried after I closed my eyes. I really thought that that was the end. What would Harry do? Would he forget? Would everyone forget? The thing that bothers me the most is that everyone just watched. No one said stop. No one tried to help me.

"Aliyah, you awake sweety?" My moms voice cracks.


"I'm right here honey." She tells me. Where's Harry?

"Where's Harry?" There is worry in my voice.

"He's-he's back on tour. He thinks your dead.." What? Why does he think that I'm dead? I'm here I'm perfectly fine.

"What!" I try to yell but my voice is low.

"Calm down. The boys thought it was best for him to know. They needed to get back on tour and he wouldn't leave your side after you...well you passed out." The lump in my throat grew and I couldn't hold in my tears any longer. They came streaming down my face.

"I need to see him...he needs to know that I am still alive." I snap.

"He needs to learn how to live without you. I think you should do the same. You've been attached to him since June it's October. He has a job to you know." She has crossed the line. He can probably learn to be without me. But who said I could be without him. I will fight for this. I'll do whatever it takes. Just to have him back.

"I know he has a job. It's not my fault that this happened to me. He may be able to learn to live without me, but without him it will be hard for me!" I'm yelling at her now.

"You have your whole life ahead of you Aliyah, you still have to go to college. The college you've always dreamed of going to. You can pursue your dream of singing."

"I could do that with Harry." I say almost to quiet for her to hear.

"What was that?"

"Nothing...can you just go. Please. I'll have josh bring me back home."

"Fine. But don't you dare try and tell Harry. He needs to learn." She slams the door shut as she walks out leaving me here in this hospital bed with nothing but hope. Hope that one day Harry will be happy without me. That he will find another girl that can make him smile. That will be there when he gets home to kiss him. A girl other than me. I look down at my neck and see the necklace that he gave me the day we went out for dinner. I still get butterfly's every time I read the necklace. It's the only thing that I have left of him. The only thing that will ever remind me of the one person that could save my life. Harry.

Harry's POV

"Harry you have to accept it. She is in a better place now." Niall keeps telling me to accept it, accept it, accept it but what if I don't want to what if I want her back.

"I hope Aria was fucking arrested for the rest of her life!" Next thing I know I'm throwing the lamp across the room of our hotel in South America. Niall flinches.

"She deserves to suffer just like Aliyah did. And you know what. I hope it's worse. I hope it's damn fucking worse!" I grab my boots from the closet. I'm getting out of here. I don't know where I'm going but I just need to get away for a little while before the concert tonight.

"Harry where are you going?" Niall's asks. He's concerned.

"I'll be back before tonight." I say as I walk out the door. I head down the elevator. Hopefully I don't run into any fans. I don't want them asking where Aliyah is. I start my rental car and speed out of the parking lot.

Fuck. Why did I let this happen. I knew Aria was weird but I didn't know she was crazy. I've saved Aliyah many times before. I just wish I could save her once more. I wish I could see her beautiful face one more time. To see it light up when she sees me. To have her in my arms one more time. But unfortunately I won't be able to have any of that. Ever. I actually thought that I had a future with her. Where I could come home to her every day. We would have our own house. I don't know where we would live. I don't think she wanted to live in the UK though. Maybe we would have a future together but we would have something longer than four months. It seems like I've know her so much longer. I wish I got to know her for much longer.

It's been an hour and all I have done is driven around in circles. If I know Aliyah well she would want me to be happy. It's gonna take some time. I know that. I'm doing this for her though. I'm going to try and be happy. For her.

(I know this is kinda short but it has a lot of stuff in it and it took a lot of time to write. What do you guys think of Harry thinking Aliyah is dead? Just wait and see there is still sixty chapters left so obviously they will be together. Maybe haha)

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