Chapter 28

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Aliyah's POV

All I can do is just look at Harry. Before the words even leave my mouth. "Harry, have you even wondered about my life in the past, because I've always wondered about yours." I

I've meant to tell Harry that for quite sometime and I finally am. He's never really got to know me because of what happened. He was going to until everything was crushed. I met Harry on accident. Not that I regret it, but it was. Truthfully I never even thought about meeting One Direction. But whatever it was that brought us together, brought us together for a reason. I just need to figure out what that reason is.

"No, not really. I've been more worried about you now then your past Aliyah, but if you want to talk about it we can. Just not here. Okay?" I nod at his statement. My mouth is dry and I have a stomach ache. Probably because I haven't eaten or drank anything since yesterday morning.

"Harry, I'm thirsty and hungry." I look up at his face with a slight smile.

"Ok I'll be right back." He kisses my forehead and leaves the room. Minutes later he comes back with a breakfast bar and water. He sets it on the table next to me. I grab my food, but I kind of just hold it in my hands for a little while. I know I'm hungry but I'm not really in the mood for eating.

"You have to eat Aliyah." Harry grabs the bar from my hands and opens it handing me a piece of is. I eat it, grabbing the rest out of Harry's hand. I was really hungry, that thing was gone in seconds. I wish I was in my bed instead of here. I just wish I never was here. I began staring at the wall. Not making a noise. Not moving. Just staring. Harry was sitting in the chair next to the bed holding my hand.

"Aliyah?" Harry waves his hand in front of my face. I don't move. I continue to think about everything that has happened. Not just in these past weeks but my whole life.

Hours past and I never moved. Harry was asleep now and Niall left. But I continued to stare at the wall. Pain is the only thing that is telling me I'm still alive. If the pain stopped one day I know I would be dead.

Harry's POV

When I woke Aliyah still hadn't moved. She was still staring at the wall. What was wrong with her. I'm pretty sure she was fine earlier when I was talking to her. She won't even talk to me. I checked my phone to see how long I was asleep. I had slept for two hours. This whole time Aliyah didn't move.

The nurse came in. "Aliyah can go home now if she would like." I nodded and the nurse left the room.

"Aliyah, I'm going to bring you home, okay?" She slowly turned her head to look at me. She stared at me. Her eyes were bloodshot. Almost all the color in her face was gone. She suddenly pulled me in for a hug. She grabbed my shirt pulling me as close to her as possible, and started to cry. I pulled away.

When she was done getting dressed she sat back on the bed and the nurse came to take the IV out of her arm. When I finished signing at bunch of paper work, I turned back to Aliyah. She was now sitting on the edge of her bed staring out the door. I carried her out to the car bridal style since she wouldn't move or talk. She fell asleep on the way home, maybe we can have that talk she wanted. I just hope that when we get back she will be better. No more breakdowns, no more nightmares, and no more hospitals. All I want is the Aliyah that I first met back. The girl who was always smiling.

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